Keywords: Scrisul unui nebun serios şi demn.jpg en Complaint registered by a mentally disturbed man from Bucharest Romania autograph collected by graphologist H Stahl and published as proof of illness affecting one's writing Stahl concludes Este un nebun serios şi demn Here is a somber and dignified madman The text reads <br>Autograf Caligrafie de Stat; România Anul 1925 Capitala Bucureşti Joi Denunţare Detectivă � Majestatea Mea Şef al Legei şi Excelenţă; şi Domn Doctor Medic Şef; Domn Profesor Român; Artist Detectiv Pensionar; Universitar şi Decorat Gheorghe Alexandru Iseu; reclam cer rog Ordon Hotăresc ca să reparaţi din nou; firul electric la Noi; de orece răufăcători; iar a distrus sic; căci au rupt şi niturile pe care le-aţi pus Vă rog deci; Faceţi-vă timp; imediat la reparat <br> Autograph State Calligraphy; Romania Year 1925 Capital Bucharest Thursday Denunciation Detective in nature � My Majesty Chief of the Law and Excellency; and Head Doctor Esq ; Romanian Professor Esq ; Artist Detective Pensioner; Academic and Decorated Gheorghe Alexandru Iseu; claims demands beseeches Orders Rules that you are to fix again; Our electric wire; since evildoers; has again destroyed sic; for they have torn apart the rivets as well those rivets that you have put into place So please; Make yourselves available; get fixing right away H Stahl Grafologia şi expertizele în scrieri; Anonimul � falşul Cartea Românească Bucharest c 1930 available through the Bucharest City Library http //digitool dc bmms ro 8881/R/3YEN91RDQHN2LLAT98CMIIVH6GP3F19S45D2I6YYIM6AN3KQEN-00734 func search DacoRomanica archive Gheorghe Alexandru Iseu 1925 in Bucharest 1925 letters Graphology Diseases and disorders in Romania Mental and behavioural diseases and disorders Public services in Bucharest PD-old PD-RO-exempt |