MAKE A MEME View Large Image Sea fables explained (15400977429).jpg BARNACLE GEESE ”GOOSE BARNACLES <br> 113 <br> published a monograph ' On the Tree-bird ' in which he <br> explains the process of its birth and states that he opened <br> a hundred of the goose-bearing ...
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Keywords: Sea fables explained (15400977429).jpg BARNACLE GEESE �GOOSE BARNACLES <br> 113 <br> published a monograph ' On the Tree-bird ' in which he <br> explains the process of its birth and states that he opened <br> a hundred of the goose-bearing shells and found the rudi- <br> ments of the bird fully formed <br> So slow Bootes underneath him sees <br> In th' icy isles those goslings hatched on trees <br> Whose fruitful leaves falling into the water <br> Are turned they say to living fowls soon after ; <br> So rotten sides of broken ships do change <br> To barnacles O transformation strange <br> 'Twas first a green tree ; then a gallant hull ; <br> Lately a mushroom ; then a flying guU f <br> Now let us turn from fiction to facts <br> Almost every one is acquainted with at least one kind of <br> the Barnacle shells which were supposed to enclose the <br> FIG 37 � SECTION OF A SESSILE BARNACLE Balamis tintiiinahiihim <br> embryo of a goose namely the small white conical hillocks <br> which are found in tens of thousands adhering to stones <br> rocks and old timber such as the piles of piers and may <br> be seen affixed to the shells of oysters and mussels in any <br> fishmonger's shop The little animals which secrete and <br> ' De Volucri Arborea ' 1629 <br> t Du Bartas' Divine Week p 228 Joshua Sylvester's translation <br> I 10985719 41337 10456 Page 113 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/10985719 1883 10 5962/bhl title 10456 International Fisheries Exhibition; Lee Henry NameFound Arborea NameConfirmed Arborea NameBankID 4485071 NameFound Balamis tintiiinahiihim NameFound Barnacles NameConfirmed Barnacles NameBankID 5033555 Biodiversity Heritage Library Sea fables explained Folklore Ocean Smithsonian Libraries bhl page 10985719 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/10985719 bhlMonstersRreal Halloween smithsonian libraries bhlmonstersrreal halloween Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2014-10-21 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/15400977429 2015-08-25 16 50 35 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 Sea fables explained Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script
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