Keywords: Seal of the Government-General of Korea.svg en The seal of the Government-General of Korea ko 조선� 독� � � 문장 Печать гене� ал-губе� нато� а Ко� еи векто� ная ве� сия См также статью Ко� ея под уп� авлением Японии Goshichi_no_kiri svg file created on Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop by Zagyoso Colonial_Korea_envelope jpg The Government-General of Korea 2009-12-30 01 29 UTC Ahnode ru image original upload log This image is a derivative work of the following images File Goshichi_no_kiri svg licensed with PD-user 2008-01-10T11 04 19Z Amada44 500x500 26876 Bytes <nowiki> Japanese House Crest Go-Shichi no Kiri N/A June 17 2007 file created on Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop by Zagyoso File Colonial_Korea_envelope jpg licensed with PD-Japan-oldphoto 2009-12-04T07 04 56Z Elmor 1000x667 148368 Bytes <nowiki> en The envelope from Japanese Korea sealed with the Government-General`s seal ru Ко� ейский конве� т колонаильных в� емён запчетанный печат</nowiki> Government-General of Korea |