Keywords: Seed annual (15829006094).jpg D M FERRY GO'S DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE <br> DAHLIA <br> � � �« <br> DAHLIA <br> The Dahlia lias always been a favorite for autumn <br> flowering The flowers are so symmetrical and per- <br> fect and the range of colors so large and varied that <br> they will always be popular where display is wanted The roots are tender and <br> easily injured by frost they should be set out three feet apart after all danger <br> of frost is over and during winter placed in a cool cellar and not allowed to <br> freeze The plants should be supported by tying to stakes Our collection of <br> mixed dahlias is of the best comprising all the jjositive colors with their most <br> striking shades each doz <br> DOUBLE Pink SOcts 2 00 <br> Scarlet 20 2 00 <br> White 20 2 OO <br> Yellow 20 ' �� �� 2 00 <br> Mixed 15 1 50 <br> w WCf'V'T'BA Bleeding Heart Tuberous rooted plants <br> BB -' -' �� i i tiiat lijofiin in the spring favorably known <br> almost everj'where They require only the ordinarj' culture <br> of border plants Roots planted in spring or autumn flower freely <br> The roots should be divided everj- third year The flowers are deli- <br> cate pink very graceful produced continuously from May to July <br> Each 20cts ; per doz i OO <br> Gladiolus <br> The culture of Gladiolus is very simijle They thrive in almost <br> any good soil except a stiff clay require full sunlight and are <br> only liable to injury from rank manure Plant Gladiolus bulbs six <br> to nine inches apart the large ones four inches and the small ones <br> two inches deep Make an early planting of the smallest bulbs <br> first as soon as the ground is sufficiently dry and warm Con- <br> tinue to plant at intex'vals of two weeks during the spring and early <br> summer; in this way a succession of bloom may be had from mid- <br> summer until frost In autumn before freezing they should be <br> dug and dried the earth and old bulbs removed and then stored <br> in a cool dry place secure from frost until spring <br> CHOICE NAMED GLADIOLUS <br> lOcts each 1 00 per dozen postpaid <br> These named varieties are selected with special refer- <br> ence to beauty of flower range of color and habit of plant <br> Africain dark crimson one of the best <br> Ajax beautifully strifjed <br> Angele white showy and effective <br> Brenchleyensis rich dark scarlet very brilliant <br> Chameleon large slaty-lilac <br> Ceres white spotted rose <br> Crystal Palace long spike of pure white flowers lower <br> petals striped with purplish-violet <br> Duchess of Edinburgh purplish-rose <br> Eugene Scribe tender rose blazed with carminate-red <br> beautiful <br> Grand Rouge intense and brilliant scarlet; very large <br> and effective <br> Hesperide white ground blotched with crimson-salmon <br> Isaac Buchanan one of the best jellow sorts <br> John Bull white tinged with purple <br> La Candeur white lightly striped with carmine-violet <br> Lamarck cherry colored slightly tinted with orange <br> l azed with red center very well lighted very large <br> white stain <br> Lord Byron brilliant scarlet blotched and flaked pure <br> white <br> riadame Monneret bright clear pink <br> Marie Dumortier white slightly streaked with rose <br> violet-purple blotch <br> Martha Washington pure light yellow lower petals <br> slightly tinged with rose stately and beautiful <br> May white slightly striped with crimson <br> Norma pure white sometimes tinged with pale lilac; <br> extra fine <br> Octoroon salmon-pink <br> Pepita bright golden j'ellow slightly striped carmine; <br> tlie most freely flowering yellow <br> Phoebus brilliant red with a large white stain <br> Princess of Wales white flaked carmine <br> Shakespeare white blazed with rosy-carmine; large <br> rose colored stain <br> Snow White the best white Gladiolus <br> GIANT FLOWERED GLADIOLUS <br> A class of hvbriils between Gladiolus Gandevensis and <br> Gladiolus Saiindersoni which for varied and exquisite <br> beauty has never been equaled The flowers are of gi <br> gantic size frequently eight inches aor - ss IxM-neon spikes <br> four to five feet higli the upper two feet being covered <br> with flowers In color anti markings they afford the <br> widest range of any cultivated flower Every color and <br> �� shade known among Gladiolus is represented also blues <br> purple-blacks and whites mottled with crimson pink <br> yellow and white <br> 12cts each; 1 25 per dozen postpaid <br> GLADIOLUS QiANT Flowered 43827984 149307 77819 Page 95 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/43827984 1921 10 5962/bhl title 77819 D M Ferry Co ; Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection NameFound Phoebus NameConfirmed Phoebus EOLID 6394917 NameBankID 8330078 Biodiversity Heritage Library Seed annual Garden Stories Detroit Equipment and supplies Flowers Gardening Michigan Nursery stock Seed industry and trade Seeds Vegetables U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 43827984 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/43827984 DM Ferry Co bhlGardenStories Gladiolus Dahlia BHLinbloom u s department of agriculture national agricultural library dm ferry co bhlgardenstories bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-02-05 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/15829006094 2015-08-24 04 56 38 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 1900 D M Ferry seed catalog Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script |