Keywords: Selbstporträt, by Albrecht Dürer, from Prado in Google Earth.jpg LargeImage Artwork Q2388965 Creator Albrecht Dürer self-portrait Oil on panel cm 52 41 55b Institution Museo del Prado de I painted this from my own appearance; I was twenty-six years old P021791 en Dürer painted himself half-length and slightly turned beside a window that opens onto a mountainous landscape He wears a white Jerkin with black edging and a shirt with gold lace long hair a black and white striped cap with tassels a brown cape and grey kid gloves The choice of elegant aristocratic clothing and the severe gaze he directs at the viewer with haughty serenity indicate Dürer �s wish to show off his social standing This work is outstanding for its rich details the meticulous treatment of qualities and its brilliant gold-toned color scheme all of which complement an impeccably precise drawing His satisfaction with his own artistic capacity is manifest in the German inscription on the window ledge which reads 1498 I painted it according to my figure I was twenty-six years old Albrecht Dürer object history The work was acquired by Felipe IV at the auction of Charles the First of England http //www museodelprado es/coleccion/galeria-on-line/galeria-on-line/obra/autorretrato/ Museo Nacional del Prado Galería online From Prado in Google Earth 7 9 1498 PD-old-100 Other versions <gallery> File Dürer Albrecht - Self-Portrait Madrid - 1498 jpg File Albrecht_Dürer _Selbstbildnis_mit_26_Jahren_ Prado _Madrid jpg File Albrecht Dürer 103 jpg </gallery> Self-Portrait Dürer Madrid Prado in Google Earth |