MAKE A MEME View Large Image Semsi Pasa - Incipit Page with Illuminated Titlepiece - Walters W6652B - Full Page.jpg This folio from Walters manuscript W 665 is an incipit page with illuminated titlepiece inscribed Tercümet ül-Vikaye in white ink on a gold ground with ...
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Keywords: Semsi Pasa - Incipit Page with Illuminated Titlepiece - Walters W6652B - Full Page.jpg This folio from Walters manuscript W 665 is an incipit page with illuminated titlepiece inscribed Terc�met �l-Vikaye in white ink on a gold ground with black arabesques surrounded by polychrome design Illumination is present between the lines of text 10th century AH/AD 16th century Ottoman ink and pigments on dark cream-colored laid paper cm 26 15 5 accession number W 665 2B 81209 Abu al-Su'ud Muhammad Abu al-Su'ud Efendi died 982 AH/AD 1574 date and mode of acquisition unknown approbation recommendation note on fol 2a in Arabic signed by Abu al-Su'ud Muhammad erased seal underneath with the number 712 note on fol 1a on right mentions that the work was submitted to Abu al-Su'ud al-haqir for approval imza 'Abd al-Qadir al-Baghdadi date and mode of acquisition unknown quotations from Khizanat al-adab probably by 'Abd al-Qadir al-Baghdadi dated 1180 AH/AD 1766-1777 and signed Rasmi Hasan Bey-zâde târîhi date and mode of acquisition unknown quotations from Khizanat al-adab probably by Hasan Bey-zâde târîhi dated 1180 AH/AD 1766-1777 and signed Tarikh-i Hasan Begzade Henry Walters Baltimore date and mode of acquisition unknown Walters Art Museum Henry Walters Acquired by Henry Walters place of origin Turkey Walters Art Museum license 2D Islamic manuscripts in the Walters Art Museum Şemsi Pasha Media contributed by the Walters Art Museum needs category review
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