Keywords: Serbia montenegro albania1913 01.png en Serbia Montenegro and Albania in 1913 after Ottoman defeat in the First Balkan War sr С� бија Ц� на Го� а и Албанија 1913 године након османског по� аза у П� вом балканском � ату own PANONIAN 2012 Cc-zero References http //www ilpalo com/mappe-cartine-storiche/balcani-1800-1914/images/1913-balcani-paesi-belligeranti-balkan_belligerants_1914_jpg jpg http //farm3 staticflickr com/2131/1918728439_646a703931_z jpg zz 1 http //cdn dipity com/uploads/events/06adbc148d8e23d5b7d7c7948ed684b9_1M png http //www giovanniarmillotta it/albania/mappe/1913-04_balcani JPG http //vatopaidi files wordpress com/2011/01/balkans-map-1913 jpg http //www gutenberg org/files/36192/36192-h/images/img-060 jpg Dimitrije Bogdanović Knjiga o Kosovu Beograd 2006 Petrit Imami Srbi i Albanci kroz vekove Beograd 2000 Vladimir Ćorović Ilustrovana istorija Srba knjiga šesta Beograd 2006 Sima M Ćirković Srbi među evropskim narodima Beograd 2004 Milojko Brusin Rasprava o Kosovu Novi Sad 2004 Peter Bartl Albanci Beograd 2001 Noel Malcolm Kosovo - A Short History London 2002 Maps of Serbia during the Balkan Wars Maps of the history of Montenegro in modern times Maps of the history of Albania in modern times Maps of the history of the modern Balkans Maps of the Kingdom of Serbia Kingdom of Montenegro Maps of the First Balkan War |