Keywords: Sergius Witte Portrait by Ilya Repin.jpeg artwork langswitch Study for the picture Formal Session of the State Council Estudio para el cuadro Sesión solemne del Consejo de Estado Этюд к ка� тине То� жественное заседание Госуда� ственного Совета first uploaded to en-Wikipedia en Image Vitte jpg Oil on canvas 84 × 59 5 cm Russian Museum 1903 Creator Ilja Jefimowitsch Repin <gallery> Image Repin state council jpg langswitch Main work Obra principal Hauptwerk Основное п� оизведение </gallery> Sergei Witte 19th-century portraits in the Russian Museum 1903 portrait paintings Male portraits by Ilya Yefimovich Repin 20th-century portraits in the Russian Museum Portrait paintings of politicians 20th-century oil portraits of men at half length PD-old-auto-1923 1930 |