MAKE A MEME View Large Image Serova by Repin.jpg en Portrait of Valentina Serova Study for the picture Grand Duchess Sofia at the Novodevichy Convent 1698 Oil on canvas 64 × 50 cm Private collection es Retrato de valentina Serova Estudio para el cuadro La Gran Duquesa ...
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Keywords: Serova by Repin.jpg en Portrait of Valentina Serova Study for the picture Grand Duchess Sofia at the Novodevichy Convent 1698 Oil on canvas 64 × 50 cm Private collection es Retrato de valentina Serova Estudio para el cuadro La Gran Duquesa Sofía en el Convento de Novodevichi 1698 Óleo sobre lienzo 64 × 50 cm Colección particular ru По� т� ет Валентины Се� овой Этюд к ка� тине Великая княгиня Софья в � оводевичьем монасты� е 1698 Холст масло 64 × 50 см Частное соб� ание http //www nasledie-rus ru/podshivka/pics/8312-pictures php picture 831201 Creator Ilja Jefimowitsch Repin 1878 PD-old-auto 1930 thumb left Main work Obra principal Основное п� оизведение Composers from Russia 1878 paintings from Russia Female portraits by Ilya Yefimovich Repin Sophia Alekseyevna in history paintings
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