Keywords: Shaigino-Jurchen-paizi.png en A silver paizi plaque with an inscription serving as a travel pass or a sign of authority; this one has been interpreted as a sign of authority of a mouke the chief of a thousand households with a Jurchen inscription Found at the Shaigino site 70 km to the north of Nakhodka Primorsky Krai in 1976 The inscription in pseudo-small Jurchen script i e large Jurchen script written in blocks in the style of small Jurchen script reads gurun ni xada-xun which means Trust of the Country ru Се� еб� яная пайцза ве� ительная би� ка тысячника текст кото� ой выг� ави� ован на чжу� чжэньском языке найденная на Шайгинском го� одище памятник культу� ы чжу� чжэней вто� ой половины XII � пе� вой т� ети XIII вв на те� � ито� ии П� имо� ского к� ая п� име� но в 70 км к севе� у от г � аходка и нескольких км к югу от с Се� геевка Па� тизанского � айона См http //www fegi ru/primorye/history/shaigin htm zh 中� �金代女� �文� 牌,1976年出� �於今俄羅斯濱海邊疆� 納� �德卡以北70公里處的賽加遺� (即古代的蘇城),著錄於1977年蘇聯科學出版社� �1976年的� �古發現� �� �� 牌上刻女� �小字 � �論 你 哈答溫 ,� �人譯� � �之誠 ,即漢語 使知� �意 之意� � Jin dynasty 12-13th century inscription on a silver plaque Reproduced in Archeologicheskie otkrytiya 1976 goda and later in Danial Kane's The Sino-Jurchen Vocabulary of the Bureau of Interpreters 1989 p 74 Unknown Jurchen scribe late 12th or early 13th century PD-Art-100 Jurchen inscriptions Jin Dynasty 1115-1234 Primorsky Krai Paiza of the Jin Dynasty 1115-1234 Jurchen language |