Keywords: Shield-Trinity-Scutum-Fidei-compact.svg Compact version of a basic minimal equilateral triangular version of the Shield of the Trinity or Scutum Fidei diagram of traditional Christian symbolism with original Latin captions Le « bouclier » ou l' « écusson » de la Trinité un symbole traditionnel dans le christianisme occidental Own -- Converted from the following PostScript vector source code <pre> / def def/N counttomark /Q grestore /r rotate /s setrgbcolor /p N 2 idiv N -2 roll rlineto repeat /q gsave /m moveto /M x o /x 0 0 /O show /t /Times-Roman /c newpath 55 0 360 arc q 1 setgray fill Q l /l stroke /v rmoveto /o selectfont mark 2 5 setlinewidth/X t 36 o /Z X 49 5 0 v NON EST O /W X 14 0 v EST O 2 120 translate 95 587 575 075 m 180 598 -104 434 0 -208 241 47 63 x 208 241 180 587 104 434 -23 815 41 25 -180 587 -104 434 -181 137 104 434 p l 124 821 585 7 m 175 179 -303 3 175 179 303 3 -350 359 0 p l 72 321 581 04 m 197 679 -342 39 60 0 197 679 342 39 -30 51 96 -395 359 0 p l 174 596 5 m Z q 60 r 446 -155 m Z Q q -60 r -395 365 m Z Q 300 484 391 c 123 171 585 7 c 476 829 585 7 c 300 282 4 c q 30 r 558 257 m W Q q -30 r -130 558 m W Q q -90 r -427 5 288 m W Q t32 x 34 M 75 32 578 m P O -2 5 0 v A O -2 5 0 v TER O 428 18 578 m FILIUS O 253 25 473 5 m X DEUS O t22 x 23 M 252 288 m SPIRITUS O 250 75 267 m S O - 75 0 v ANCTUS O pop showpage EOF</pre> 2009-11-18 AnonMoos For a less compact version of this see Image Scutum fidei LAT svg In other languages <gallery> File Shield-Trinity-Scutum-Fidei-English svg English File Escudo-de-la-Fe_Simbolo-Atanasiano svg Spanish File Schild-Dreieinheit-Scutum-Fidei-Deutsch svg German File Turs-ul-Iman_Shi 27ar-uth-Thaluth svg Arabic File Shield-Trinity-Separ-Iman-Farsi svg Persian File Sxildo-de-fido_de-la-Triunuo svg Esperanto File Shield_Trinity_ zh-cn svg Cantonese File 3enighed-heb svg Hebrew File Shield of the Trinity diagram - language-neutral concept svg Quasi-language-neutral </gallery> For other versions of this emblem see Image 3enighed png Image Shield-Trinity-medievalesque png Image Trinidad-Anglican-Episcopal-Coat-of-Arms-large png and Image Trinity knight shield jpg For discussion and explanation see the main article en Shield of the Trinity derivative works Shield Trinity zh-cn svg Shield of the Trinity Images with PostScript source code SVG in Latin |