MAKE A MEME View Large Image Six Sunflowers 1888.jpg Artwork Creator Vincent van Gogh 1888 Technique oil canvas panel with wooden frame added later by Van Gogh Size cm 98 69 object history 1889 Theo van Gogh Paris 1891 Jo Bonger Bussum and Amsterdam Probably Bernheim ...
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Keywords: Six Sunflowers 1888.jpg Artwork Creator Vincent van Gogh 1888 Technique oil canvas panel with wooden frame added later by Van Gogh Size cm 98 69 object history 1889 Theo van Gogh Paris 1891 Jo Bonger Bussum and Amsterdam Probably Bernheim jeune Art Gallery Paris de la Faille 1908 Fritz Meyere-Fierz Zurich via C M van Gogh gallery Amsterdam £250 1920 Koyata Yamamoto Ayisha via Paul Vallotton gallery Lausanne £3 200 1945 Destroyed Ashiya exhibition history 1905 Amsterdam 105 1905 Utrecht 34 1906 Rotterdam 32 1921 Tokyo credit line <gallery>File Van Gogh Vase with Six Sunflowers jpg</gallery> Bailey Martin The Sunflowers Are Mine The Story of Van Gogh's Masterpiece Frances Lincoln Limited 2013 pp 54 image 202 provenance 213 n 13 source ISBN 978-0-7112-3298-3 Van Gogh catalogues 459 1560 http //vangoghletters org/vg/search/advanced originaltext original translation translation annotations notes essays essays other other from 1 to 1 date_from 1872-09-29 date_until 1890-07-31 order date workofart_code i2702 Letters cite web Letter 666 To Theo van Gogh Arles Tuesday 21 or Wednesday 22 August 1888 http //vangoghletters org/vg/letters/let666/letter html Vincent van Gogh The Letters Van Gogh Museum 1 3 flowers one flower that �s gone to seed and lost its petals and a bud on a royal blue background no 25 canvas n 3 Van Gogh refers to five flowers; the sixth below centre was added when the painting was mounted on wood and enlarged to 98 x 69 cm cite web Letter 668 To Theo van Gogh Arles Thursday 23 or Friday 24 August 1888 http //vangoghletters org/vg/letters/let668/letter html Vincent van Gogh The Letters Van Gogh Museum 1r 4 One of the decorations of sunflowers on a royal blue background has a �halo � that �s to say each object is surrounded by a line of the colour complementary to the background against which it stands out n 7 Van Gogh may have got the concept of �haloing � from Charles Blanc Destroyed by fire in 1945 war bombing it's thought the heavy wooden frame prevented it from being rescued in time Image rediscovered by Martin Bailey in 2012 in a portfolio of four prints pubished in Shirakaba Tokyo 1921 found in the archives of the Mushakoji Saneatsu Memorial Museum See for example http //www bbc co uk/news/entertainment-arts-23960021 BBC news story There were other images published before this and these should be retained in Commons but the Bailey image is the best as of late 2013 PD-old-100 accession number Five sunflowers in a Vase
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