Keywords: Soldiers grapple for success in Combative Class DVIDS108880.jpg en Sgt Christopher Simmans instructor teaches students the hip throw technique while Spc Nicholas Volker plays sport at the combatives class at the Camp Liberty's Morale Welfare and Recreation facility Aug 13 2008 The combative class is a product from the martial arts Jiu-Jitsu master Royce Gracie targeted to teach military members hand-to-hand combat This 40-hour class of grappling with armbars choke holds and submission holds are applications used to give military personnel an increase in awareness and confidence Simmans and Volker are assigned to Battery C 2nd Squadron 44th Air Defense Artillery 39th Brigade Combat Team Multi-National Division � Baghdad 2008-08-13 https //www dvidshub net/image/108880 108880 2008-08-16 09 21 BAGHDAD IQ PD-USGov Camp Liberty Images from DoD uploaded by Fæ |