MAKE A MEME View Large Image ...Perch San Diego STEM event 130427-N-UN340-004.jpg en A Naval Sea Cadet pilots her SeaPerch Remotely Operated Vehicle ROV through the obstacle course mission of the San Diego Regional SeaPerch Competition at Grossmont College SeaPerch ... MemeMaker
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Keywords: SPAWAR supports SeaPerch San Diego STEM event 130427-N-UN340-004.jpg en A Naval Sea Cadet pilots her SeaPerch Remotely Operated Vehicle ROV through the obstacle course mission of the San Diego Regional SeaPerch Competition at Grossmont College SeaPerch sponsored by the Office of Naval Research is an innovative underwater robotics program that trains teachers to teach their late elementary through high school students how to build ROVs from low-cost kits Several Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command SPAWAR personnel volunteered as judges timekeepers and in-water assistants at the event As the Navy's Information Dominance Systems Command SPAWAR supports robotics development and strongly encourages all students to explore careers in science technology engineering and mathematics STEM fields U S Navy photo by Rick Naystatt/Released 2013-04-27 Rick Naystatt https //www dvidshub net/image/919365 130427-N-UN340-004 2013-05-01 12 12 SAN DIEGO CA US PD-USGov-Military-Navy Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command Office of Naval Research Images from DoD uploaded by Fæ
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