Keywords: St. Mark the Evangelist - Google Art Project.jpg commons date commons medium commons dimensions commons institution commons location commons references commons object_history commons exhibition_history commons credit_line commons inscriptions commons notes commons accession_number commons source commons permission commons other_versions commons zoom core title Mark is one of the four evangelists He was a pupil of Peter the Apostle and the founder of the Church in Egypt Some researchers consider that the Gospel of St Mark is a record of St Peter �s preaching Lion is a symbol of Mark the Evangelist core creator Unknown core date dateCreated 1000 core type monumental painting mosaic google display_date 1000 google is_artproject TRUE google is_gigapixel FALSE google is_secured TRUE google partner/id 000000000804b21e google picasa_token c16zTTYOccJBgCNBYvxtNpERyOw special url_id EwFmxxsocw2XdA google partner/name St Sophia of Kyiv special partner/name_no_lang St Sophia of Kyiv PD-old-100-1923 Google Art Project works by unknown artist Saint Mark Mosaics of Saint Sophia Cathedral in Kiev |