Keywords: St Pauls Old.tif TroyNY Engraving of the original St Paul's Episcopal Church in Troy New York United States This building was raized in the 19th century and replaced by the current building This building was located at the corner of Third and Congress Streets The current building which was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1979 is located at the corner of Third and State Streets cite book History of the city of Troy from the Expulsion of the Mohegan Indians to the Present Centennial Year of Independence of the United States of America 1876 Weise Arthur James William H Young 1876 Troy New York 12930415 72 <br> Scan courtesy of http //rchsonline org/ Rensselaer County Historical Society 1876 See Source See restored version File St Pauls Old Downsampled png PD-old 1804 in New York St Paul's Episcopal Church Troy New York Engraved illustrations in History of the City of Troy 1876 Engravings of churches |