MAKE A MEME View Large Image Stalin-Lenin-Kalinin-1919.jpg Assessments 5 2006 1 1 1 ארכיון 22 סובייטי� Stalin Lenin and Mikhail Kalinin falsified detail of a photo from the VIII Congress of the Russian Communist Party March 1919 Part of much larger photo ... MemeMaker
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Keywords: Stalin-Lenin-Kalinin-1919.jpg Assessments 5 2006 1 1 1 ארכיון 22 סובייטי� Stalin Lenin and Mikhail Kalinin falsified detail of a photo from the VIII Congress of the Russian Communist Party March 1919 Part of much larger photo showing other Congress members Сталин Ленин и � ихаил Калинин снимок сделан во в� емя VIII съезда па� тии в ма� те 1919 года Stalin Lenin und Mikhail Kalinin Foto vom VIII Kongress der Kommunistischen Partei Russlands März 1919 Stalin Lenin och Kalinin foto från VIII Sovietunionens Kommunistiska Partis kongress Mars 1919 Staljin Lenjin i Kaljinin fotografija s VIII Kongresa Komunističke partije Sovjetskog Saveza ožujak 1919 Stalin Lenin i Kalinin fotografia z VIII Kongresu Komunistycznej Partii Związku Radzieckiego marzec 1919 Staline Lénine et Kalinine détail photomonté d'une photographie lors du VIIIe congrès du Parti Communiste de Russie mars 1919 Stalin Lenin y Mikhail Kalinin foto de el VIII Congreso de la Comunidad de la Unión Soviética Marzo de 1919 Stalin Lenin e Mikhail Kalinin foto do VIII Congresso do Partido Comunista da União Soviética Março de 1919 Stalin Lenin ve Mikhail Kalinin Rus Komünist Partisinin 8 kongresinde çekilmiş bir fotoğraf Mart 1919 http //www skmrf ru/old/xobby/stalin_3/stalin_3 htm 1919-02-18 Retouched by AM <span class signature-talk >talk</span> <gallery> Image Sztálin Lenin és Kalinyin jpg Image Vladimir Lenin and Joseph Stalin 1919 jpg Image Delegates VIII Congress of the RKP b jpg </gallery> PD-old Picture of the day 2006 10 1 AM <span class signature-talk >talk</span> Retouched ImageNote 1 133 19 142 148 880 456 2 Joseph Stalin ImageNoteEnd 1 ImageNote 2 670 38 134 182 880 456 2 Mikhail Kalinin ImageNoteEnd 2 ImageNote 3 399 27 131 165 880 456 2 Vladimir Lenin ImageNoteEnd 3 Featured pictures of people of Russia Vladimir Lenin and Joseph Stalin Mikhail Kalinin Altered Soviet photographs 003 8th Congress of the Russian Communist Party Bolsheviks
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