MAKE A MEME View Large Image Standard Model of Elementary Particles.svg en Standard model of elementary particles the 12 fundamental fermions and 4 fundamental bosons Brown loops indicate which bosons red couple to which fermions purple and green Please note that the ...
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Keywords: Standard Model of Elementary Particles.svg en Standard model of elementary particles the 12 fundamental fermions and 4 fundamental bosons Brown loops indicate which bosons red couple to which fermions purple and green Please note that the masses of certain particles are subject to periodic reevaluation by the scientific community The values currently reflected in this graphic are as of 2008 and may have been adjusted since For the latest consensus please visit the Particle Data Group website linked below fr Modèle standard des particules élémentaires les 12 fermions et les 5 bosons En beige les groupes d'interaction Les valeurs d'énergie sont régulièrement mises à jour et peuvent avoir changé ro Modelul standard al particulelor fundamentale 12 fermioni 6 cuarcuri și 6 leptoni la care se adaugă tot atâtea antiparticule corespondente și 12 particule de etalonare bosoni și anume 3 bosoni vector slabi W<sup>+</sup> W<sup>-</sup> și Z<sup>0</sup> 8 gluoni diferențiați de sarcina color și 1 foton Acestora li se adaugă încă 2 bosoni teoretici bosonul Higgs și gravitonul nelistat în tabelul de mai sus De avut în vedere faptul că masele anumitor particule constituie subiectul reevaluării periodice ale comunității științifice Valorile reflectate de acest tabel în momentul de față datează din 2008 și e posibil să fi suferit ajustări Pentru ultimele consensuri puteți accesa situl Particle Data Group listat mai jos Own work by uploader PBS NOVA http //www pbs org/wgbh/nova/elegant/ http //www fnal gov/pub/inquiring/matter/madeof/index html Fermilab Office of Science United States Department of Energy http //pdg lbl gov/ Particle Data Group MissMJ 2006-06-27 Standard Model of Elementary Particles fi svg Standard Model of Elementary Particles it svg मानक प्रतिमान svg Standard Model of Elementary Particles tr svg Standard Model of Elementary Particles-ar png Standard Model of Elementary Particles-ca svg Standard Model of Elementary Particles-de svg Standard Model of Elementary Particles-es svg Standard_Model_of_Elementary_Particles-fr svg Standard Model of Elementary Particles-ga svg Standard Model of Elementary Particles-gl svg Standard Model of Elementary Particles-he svg Standard Model of Elementary Particles hr svg Standard_Model_of_Elementary_Particles_hy_png png Standard Model of Elementary Particles-id svg Standard Model of Elementary Particles-ml png Modelul standard al particulelor fundamentale svg Standard Model of Elementary Particles-sv svg Standard Model of Elementary Particles-vi svg standard modelof elements ar png Standard Model of Elementary Particles-ee svg Partikloj_laŭ_Standarda_Modelo svg Standard Model of Elementary Particles modified version svg Standard Model of Elementary Particles afr svg <gallery> File Standard Model of Elementary Particles afr svg Afrikaans File Standard Model of Elementary Particles-ar png العربية File Standard Model of Elementary Particles hu svg Magyar File Standard Model of Elementary Particles hr svg hrvatski File Standard Model of Elementary Particles mk svg � акедонски File Standard Model of Elementary Particles ru svg File Standard Model of Elementary Particles-vi svg Tiếng Việt File Standard_Model_of_Elementary_Particles-fr svg Français File मानक प्रतिमान svg हिन्द� File Standard Model of Elementary Particles modified version svg More obviously-colored force groups File مدل استاندارد ذرات بنیادی نسخه تغییریافته png فارسی </gallery> References cite web Fehling Dave http //www pha jhu edu/~dfehling/ The Standard Model of Particle Physics A Lunchbox's Guide The Johns Hopkins University 2008-12-03 For the original version cc-by-3 0 For the derived version Cush Standard Model physics Bosons
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