Keywords: Stephen Mallory - Brady-Handy.jpg Stephen R Mallory Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Brady-Handy Photograph Collection http //hdl loc gov/loc pnp/cwpbh 01215 CALL NUMBER LC-BH82- 4453 <P P>P P between 1855 1865 Creator Mathew Brady PD Stephen Russell Mallory 1812 oder 1813 auf Trinidad Kleine Antillen � 9 November 1873 in Pensacola Florida war ein US-Politiker und Marineminister der Konföderierten Staaten von Amerika und saß auf dem frustriendsten Posten der Regierung Stephen Russell Mallory 1813 November 9 1873 was a United States politician and the Confederate Secretary of the Navy during the American Civil War Mallory was considered one of President Jefferson Davis's ablest Cabinet officers He was the father of Stephen Russell Mallory a U S Representative and Senator from Florida Stephen Russell Mallory senior padre di Stephen Russell Mallory junior 1848-1907 fu senatore della Florida スティーヴン・ラッセル・マロリー(Stephen Russell Mallory 1813年 - 1873年11� �9日)は� �アメリカ合衆国およびアメリカ� �合国の政治家� �1851年から1861年までアメリカ合衆国上院議員を� �1861年から1865年までアメリカ� �合国海軍長官を務めた� � This summary was created using Commons SumItUp PD-old-100 LOC-image cwpbh 01215 Photographs by Mathew Brady Mallory Stephen Senators of the United States from Alabama Mallory Stephen Black and white photographic portraits of men Mallory Stephen Stephen Russell Mallory |