Keywords: Strepetova as Elizabeth by Repin.jpg Portrait of actress Pelageya Antipevna Strepetova in the role of Elizabeth Oil on canvas 112 × 84 cm The State Tretyakov Gallery Moscow Retrato de la actriz Pelágueya Antípevna Strepetova en el papel de Elizabeth Óleo sobre lienzo 112 × 84 cm Galería estatal Tretiakov Moscú По� т� ет акт� исы Пелагеи Антиповны Ст� епетовой в � оли Елизаветы Холст масло 112 × 84 см Госуда� ственная Т� етьяковская гале� ея � осква http //www picture art-catalog ru/picture php id_picture 13175 1881 Creator Ilja Jefimowitsch Repin Museum Tretyakov Gallery credit line PD-old-auto 1930 Actresses in art Portrait paintings of actresses Theatre in art 1881 paintings from Russia Female portraits by Ilya Yefimovich Repin Polina Strepetova Portraits by Ilya Repin in the Tretyakov Gallery Theatrical costume in portrait paintings National costumes of Russia in portrait paintings |