MAKE A MEME View Large Image StrongRichardPearson AMedD1898.jpg Taken from http //history amedd army mil/booksdocs/misc/evprev/ch7 htm THE SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR 1898 Fig 28 Accompanying text Medical entomology and metabolic disorders of man received a large share of ...
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Keywords: StrongRichardPearson AMedD1898.jpg Taken from http //history amedd army mil/booksdocs/misc/evprev/ch7 htm THE SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR 1898 Fig 28 Accompanying text Medical entomology and metabolic disorders of man received a large share of interest Among other subjects there were investigations on dysentery cholera and plague by 1st Lt Richard Pearson Strong MC fig 28 investigations on dengue by Lt Col J F Siler MC Maj Arthur P Hitchens MC 1st Lt Charles F Craig MC and Capt James S Simmons MC Craig and Ashburn showed that dengue fever was caused by a filterable virus and Siler Hitchens Simmons and others added much to the knowledge of the transmission of dengue by mosquitoes chiefly Aedes aegypti Capt E B Vedder MC made classical studies of beriberi Capt Raymond A Kelser VC developed a vaccine against rinderpest in water buffalo There were many important investigations on malaria Image caption FIGURE 28 - Richard Pearson Strong 1872-1948 Long a member of the professorial staff of the Harvard Medical School he was President of the Board for Investigation of Tropical Diseases in the Philippines 1899-1901 He conducted researches on many communicable diseases in many countries including plague in Manchuria and typhus in Serbia He was the author of a vast treatise on tropical medicine conducted the course in tropical medicine at the Army Medical School during World War II and served as an adviser to the Preventive Medicine Service Office of The Surgeon General Portrait photograph courtesy of the National Library of Medicine photograph negative No 10 777-A License tag guessed from http //history amedd army mil/tools/faq html one AMedD FAQ 1 May I use a picture/figure/quote from your website for a book/paper/website I �m preparing Unless otherwise noted the contents of our website are works of the U S Government and its employees or were produced under contract for the U S Government and are in the public domain Any information text images figures etc obtained from our website should be appropriately cited or credited when used for publication Information obtained from printed works should be used and cited or credited in accordance with the copyright restrictions appropriate for that piece of work Example Citation Title of Web Page U S Army Medical Department Office of Medical History Date of Access Example Credit Photo from U S Army Medical Department Office of Medical History Website For commercial publications publishers are required to make known in their copyright notice that the commercial publication incorporates United States Government works 17 USC 403 PD-USGov Richard Pearson Strong physician
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