MAKE A MEME View Large Image Stroop Report - Warsaw Ghetto Uprising 06b.jpg Assessment Assessments 1 1 1 Warsaw Ghetto Josef Bloesche jpg 1 1 ארכיון 1 תמונה  יו השואה picture of the day 2013 04 19 Warsaw Ghetto Uprising Poland - Photo from Jürgen ...
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Keywords: Stroop Report - Warsaw Ghetto Uprising 06b.jpg Assessment Assessments 1 1 1 Warsaw Ghetto Josef Bloesche jpg 1 1 ארכיון 1 תמונה � יו� השואה picture of the day 2013 04 19 Warsaw Ghetto Uprising Poland - Photo from Jürgen Stroop Report to Heinrich Himmler from May 1943 One of the most famous pictures of World War II Aixecament del Gueto de Varsòvia - Fotografia presa per Jürgen Stroop en un reportatge per a Heinrich Himmler al maig de 1943 Židé z varšavského ghetta zajatí po potlačení povstání Aufstand im Warschauer Ghetto � Fotografie von Jürgen Stroop Aus dem Stroop-Bericht von 1943 an Heinrich Himmler von Mai 1943 Es ist eines der bekanntesten Fotos aus dem Zweiten Weltkrieg Revuelta del Gueto de Varsovia es - Fotografía tomada por Jürgen Stroop en un reportaje para Heinrich Himmler durante el levantamiento del Gueto en mayo de 1943 Ghetto de Varsovie fr Pologne Photo extraite du rapport de mai 1943 de Jürgen Stroop à Heinrich Himmler fr Cette photo est l'une des plus célèbres de la Seconde Guerre mondiale fr י� ד מרי� ידיי� בעת הוצאת יהודי� מהבונקרי� בזמן הכנעת המרד בוורשה 1943 הי� ד זוהה כארטור דומב סמיונטק ישרא� רונד� צבי נוסבאו� או � וי ז� ינורגר Powstanie w getcie warszawskim pl - Fotografia z Raportu Jürgena Stroopa do Heinricha Himmlera z maja 1943 w Revolta do Gueto de Varsóvia pt - Foto do Relatório Stroop por Jürgen Stroop pt para Heinrich Himmler pt de Maio de 1943 Rivolta del ghetto di Varsavia it - Foto del rapporto di Jürgen Stroop it inviato a Heinrich Himmler it nel maggio 1943 Una delle più celebri immagini della seconda guerra mondiale it w Восстание в Ва� шавском гетто ru � фото из отчёта Ю� гена Шт� опа Ген� иху Гиммле� у в мае 1943 Одна из наиболее известных фотог� афий в� емен Вто� ой � и� овой Войны depicted people en People identified in the picture<ref name yv> cite web Yad Vashem Photo Archives http //www yadvashem org/yv/en/exhibitions/museum_photos/liquidation_ghetto asp 31 March 2016 </ref><ref name dc> cite web A famous Holocaust Photo http //www deathcamps org/occupation/gunpoint html 31 March 2016 </ref> Identity of the boy in the front was not confirmed Possible identities Artur Dąb Siemiątek Levi Zejlinwarger or Zeilinwarger next to his mother Chana Henia Zejlinwarger Tsvi Nussbaum Ludwik Simonsohn or Issrael Rondel Channa Hanka Lamet - small girl on the left Matylda Lamet Goldfinger - Hanka's mother next to her second from the left Ahron Leizer Leo Kartuziński - teenage boy in the background with white bag on his shoulder Golda Stavarowski - in the background first woman from the right with one hand raised Josef Blösche - SS man Nazi Germany with gun was executed in 1969 <br> La identitat del nen que apareix en primer pla no ha estat confirmada però podria tractar-se d'Artur Dab Siemiatek Levi Zelinwarger al costat de la seva mare Chana Zelinwarger o Tsvi Nussbaum qui finalment va sobreviure l'Holocaust Hanka Lamet noia a l'esquerra Matylda Lamet Goldfinger mare de Hanka segona des de l'esquerra Leo Kartuziński noi adolescent del fons amb una bossa blanca a l'espatlla Golda Stavarowski al fons primera dona des de la dreta amb una mà alçada Josef Blösche oficial de la SS armat va ser executat al 1969 <br> Josef Blösche � SS-Mann mit Maschinenpistole MP28 wurde 1969 hingerichtet <br> es Se desconoce con certeza la identidad del chico que aparece en primer plano es posible que sea Artur Dab Siemiatek Levi Zelinwarger junto a su madre Chana Zelinwarger o Tsvi Nussbaum Hanka Lamet la niña pequeña a la izquierda de la foto Matylda Lamet Goldfinger madre de Hanka la segunda desde la izquierda Leo Kartuziński al fondo con un saco blanco en la espalda Golda Stavarowski tambièn al fondo la primera mujer que aparece alzando una mano a la derecha de la foto Josef Blösche oficial de la SS armado <br> Josef Blösche fr - Le SS Reich allemand avec une arme à feu à droite <br> Josef Blösche pl - żołnierz niemieckiej formacji SS z pistoletem maszynowym MP28 <br> Pessoas reconhecidas nesta foto O rapaz da frente não foi reconhecido algumas identidades possíveis Artur Dab Siemiatek Levi Zelinwarger junto à sua mãe Chana Zelinwarger e Tsvi Nussbaum Matylda Lamet Goldfinger Leo Kartuziński - recuado com um saco branco no ombro Golda Stavarowski - também recuado primeira mulher da direita com uma mão levantada w Josef Blösche pt - Soldado das SS com uma submetralhadora <br> it Le persone inquadrate nell'immagine sono Il ragazzino in primo piano non è stato riconosciuto con certezza alcune delle possibili identità sono Artur Dab Siemiatek Levi Zelinwarger vicino a sua madre Chana Zelinwarger e Tsvi Nussbaum Hanka Lamet - la piccola ragazza sulla sinistra Matylda Lamet Goldfinger - La madre di Hanka vicino a lei la seconda da sinistra Leo Kartuziński - in fondo con un sacco bianco sulla spalla Golda Stavarowski - sempre in fondo la prima donna a partire da destra con una mano alzata Josef Blösche - Uomo delle SS armato <br> Люди идентифици� ованные на фотог� афии � альчик на пе� вом плане не идентифици� ован возможно это А� ту� Даб Симьятек Леви Зелинва� ге� � ядом с мате� ью Ханой Зелинва� ге� или Цви � уссбаум Ханка Ламет - маленькая девочка слева � атильда Ламет Голдфинге� - мать Ханки вто� ая слева Лео Ка� тузински - на заднем плане юноша с белым мешком на плече Голда Става� овски - на заднем плане пе� вая женщина сп� ава с поднятной одной � укой Йозеф Блёше - эсэсовец с автоматом <br> depicted place Tsvi Nussbaum was arrested at Hotel Polski on 13 July 1943 Dr Lucjan Dobroszycki listed in a New York Times the following issues with this time and place the photograph was taken on a street not in the courtyard in which the Hotel Polski roundup took place This would have been the only Stroop Report photograph taken outside of Ghetto but some of the Jews are wearing armbands which they would not while not in Ghetto The German soldiers would not have needed combat uniforms at the hotel The heavy clothing worn by most of the Jews suggests that the photograph was taken in April or May � the date General Stroop put on the report � rather than July <ref name yv/> Levi Zejlinwarger was arrested at Kupiecka Street near Nalewki Street <ref name yv/> Long shadows extending left to right suggest that this would be a North side of the street and people are being led East towards the dead end Also there are only about seven possible houses We do not have photographs for most of them but their plans do not seem to fit the photograph <ref> Forum-link KM http //www kolejkamarecka pun pl/viewtopic php id 526 p 7 137 </ref> Nowolipia 34 location was proposed<ref> Forum-link KM http //www kolejkamarecka pun pl/viewtopic php id 526 p 7 137 </ref> right next to the location of Jewish Rabbis photographs from the Stroop Report There are no other clear photographs of the building but the image seems to fit Jewish Rabbis photograph could have been taken at the same time as this image Shadows match and Josef Blösche is dressed in exactly the same way with goggles on his helmet Details of the building match plans of the building by William Heerlein Lindley and existing photographs of the building en Image Warsaw-Ghetto-Josef-Bloesche-HRedit jpg uploaded by United States Holocaust Museum Retouched picture artifacts and scratches removed levels adjusted and image sharpened Durova Stroop Report - Warsaw Ghetto Uprising 06 jpg First published in Stanisław Piotrowski pl Sprawozdanie Juergena Stroopa 1948 s 85 Spółdzielnia Wydawnicza Książka Warszawa no ISBN Books written about this one photograph cite book Richard Raskin A Child at Gunpoint A Case Study in the Life of a Photo 2004 Aarhus Universitetsforlag 978-8779340992 cite book Dan Porat The Boy A Holocaust Story 2010 Hill and Wang ISBN 978-8779340992 Norman Davies Rising '44 The Battle for Warsaw 2003 Pan Macmillan London 0809030721 http //www amazon com/The-Boy-A-Holocaust-Story/dp/0809030721 26543 Deutsches Bundesarchiv German Federal Archive Bild 183-41636-0002 claims copyright http //bpkgate picturemaxx com/ Bildarchiv Preussischer Kulturbesitz BPK http //bpkgate picturemaxx com/preview php IMGID 30001717 Image number 30001717 Getty Images Editorial image 3422371 claims copyright <gallery> File Stroop Report - Warsaw Ghetto Uprising 06 jpg Original version FP star File Stroop Report - Warsaw Ghetto Uprising 06b jpg Digitally cleaned version sepia tone FP star File Stroop Report - Warsaw Ghetto Uprising BW jpg Digitally cleaned version grayscale File Bundesarchiv Bild 183-41636-0002 Warschauer Ghetto-Aufstand Verhaftungen jpg Low resolution version from German Federal Archive </gallery> Book Stroop Report ImageNote 1 10 605 242 284 2766 1964 2 Hanka Lamet ImageNoteEnd 1 ImageNote 2 384 107 225 339 2766 1964 2 Matylda Lamet Goldfinger ImageNoteEnd 2 ImageNote 3 1207 201 142 225 2766 1964 2 Leo Kartuziński ImageNoteEnd 3 ImageNote 4 1736 214 107 180 2766 1964 2 Golda Stavarowski ImageNoteEnd 4 ImageNote 5 2202 176 183 259 2766 1964 2 Josef Blösche ImageNoteEnd 5 ImageNote 6 1573 602 346 387 2766 1964 2 Possible identities Artur Dab Siemiatek Levi Zelinwarger Tsvi Nussbaum ImageNoteEnd 6 ImageNote 7 736 290 363 415 2766 1964 2 Possibly Chana Zelinwarger ImageNoteEnd 7 ImageNote 8 2109 670 223 162 2766 1964 2 MP 18 ImageNoteEnd 8 PD-Polish PD-anon-70-EU pages Raised hands surrendering Featured pictures of Poland Military people with children Media licensed by Getty Images MP18
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