Keywords: Sultan Mehmed V of the Ottoman Empire cropped.jpg en 35th Sultan of the Ottoman Empire and 114th caliph of Islam Mehmed V tr Osmanlı İmparatorluğu'nun 35 padişahı ve 114 İslam halifesi V Mehmed Reşad fr 35e Sultan de l'Empire Ottoman et 114e calife de l'islam Mehmed V de 35 Sultan des Osmanischen Reiches und 114 Kalif des Islam Mehmed V es 35 Sultán del Imperio Otomano y 114 califa del Islam Mehmed V pt 35 Sultão do Império Otomano e 114 califa do Islão Mehmed V it 35 Sultano dell'impero Ottomano e 114 califfo dell'Islam Mehmet V nl 35 Sultan van het Ottomaanse Rijk en 114 Kalief van de İslam Mehmet V da 35 Sultan af det Ottomanske Rige og 114 Kalif af İslam Mehmed V fi 35 Sultan Ottomaanien Valtakunnan ja 114 Kalifi İslamin Mehmed V sv 35 Sultan av Osmanska Riket och 114 Kalifen av İslam Mehmet V pl 35 Sułtan Imperium Ottomańskiego i 114 kalif İslamu Mehmed V nn 35 år Sultanen av det Ottomanske Riket og 114 Kalifen av Islam Mehmet V az Osmanlı İmperatorluğunun 35 padşahı və 114 İslam Xəlifəsi V Məmməd Rəşad af 35 Sultan van die Ottomaanse Ryk en 114 Kalief van Islam Mehmet V ro 35 Sultan al Imperiului Otoman și 114 Calif al İslamului Mehmed V ru 35 Султан Османской импе� ии и 114 Халиф Ислама � ехмед V el 35 Σουλτάνος � �της Οθωμανικής Αυτοκρατορίας και 114 χαλίφη του Ισλάμ � εχμέτ Ε' hy 35 Սուլթան Օսմանյան կայս� ության եւ 114 կ� ոնապետ իսլամի Մուհամմեդ V zh 35� �皇� 奥斯曼� 国和114� �伊斯兰教哈里发 穆罕默德五世 ja 35� �オスマン� 国のスルタンと114� �イスラム教のカリフ メフメト5世 ko 35 오스만 � 국 및 114� � 술탄 � �슬람� � 칼리프 메� �메트 5세 ar 35 سلطان الدولة العثمانية و 114 الخليفة للإسلام محمد الخامس he 35 סו� טן ש� האימפריה העותומנית ו114 ח'� יף האיס� א� מהמט החמישי Title Sultan of Turkey Medium 1 negative glass ; 5 x 7 in or smaller Reproduction Number LC-DIG-ggbain-13752 digital file from original negative Rights Advisory No known restrictions on publication Call Number LC-B2- 2776-6 P P Repository Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington D C 20540 US United States http //www loc gov/index html Notes Title and date from data provided by the Bain News Service on the negative Forms part of George Grantham Bain Collection Library of Congress General information about the Bain Collection is available at http //www loc gov/pictures/collection/ggbain/ Additional information about this photograph might be available through the Flickr Commons project at http //www flickr com/photos/library_of_congress/3819817499 1913-07-22 Institution Library of Congress <li>Library of Congress http //www loc gov/pictures/ Prints Photographs Online Catalog http //www loc gov/pictures/search/ st grid co ggbain Bain Collection LOC-image ggbain 13752 Bain News Service publisher PD-Bain PD-US PD-Ottoman Retouched picture cropped cleaned and contrast adjusted Mehmed V Images from the Library of Congress Tarboosh |