Keywords: Геополитичка мапа Кавказа.svg Geopolitical map of the Caucasus Region Largest part of the borders based on the image Caucasus-ethnic en svg by user Pmx a vectorization of this CIA map Former autonomous oblast and current de facto independent republic borders of Nagorno-Karabakh based on Location Nagorno-Karabakh en png North coast of Turkey based on Map of Turkey 2007 gif Геополитическая ка� та Кавказа Геополитичка мапа кавкаског � егиона Датум 19 август 2011 Ауто� � икола Transferred from http //sr wikipedia org sr wikipedia; transferred to Commons by User BokicaK using http //tools wikimedia de/~magnus/commonshelper php CommonsHelper 2011-08-19 Original uploader was Nikola-PMF83 at http //sr wikipedia org sr wikipedia Released into the public domain by the author sr wikipedia Nikola-PMF83 Original upload log page sr wikipedia D0 93 D0 B5 D0 BE D0 BF D0 BE D0 BB D0 B8 D1 82 D0 B8 D1 87 D0 BA D0 B0_ D0 BC D0 B0 D0 BF D0 B0_ D0 9A D0 B0 D0 B2 D0 BA D0 B0 D0 B7 D0 B0 svg 2011-08-19 18 29 Nikola-PMF83 972�922� 378799 bytes <nowiki>- English Geopolitical map of the Caucasus Region - Русский Геополитическая ка� та Кавказа С� пски Геополитичка мапа кавкаског � егиона Датум 19 август 2011 Изво� - English Largest part of the borders based on Image Caucasus-ethnic en svg by User Pmx a vectorization of this CIA map Former autonomous oblast and current de facto independent republic borders of Nagorno-Karabakh based on Location_Nagorno-Karabakh_en png North coast of Turkey based on Map_of_Turkey_ 2007 gif - Ауто� � икола</nowiki> Political maps of the Caucasus SVG maps in Serbian |