MAKE A MEME View Large Image The Battle of Cape Passaro.jpg Richard Paton 1717 “1791 en In this painting created half a century after the event the action is shown at about 4 o'clock Byng's flagship the 'Barfleur' 90 guns is prominently depicted firing her starboard ...
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Keywords: The Battle of Cape Passaro.jpg Richard Paton 1717 �1791 en In this painting created half a century after the event the action is shown at about 4 o'clock Byng's flagship the 'Barfleur' 90 guns is prominently depicted firing her starboard broadside in starboard-bow view left of centre into the 'San Luis' 60 guns <br /> On the right the principal Spanish flagship the 'Real San Felipe' 74 guns is shown in starboard-broadside view being raked from the stern by the 'Superbe' 60 guns and hauling down her flag This fire is being returned by a Spanish rear-admiral in port-quarter view and by another Spanish ship which is seen in port-bow view on the 'Barfleur's' quarter almost obscured by smoke To the left of this group a Spanish ship lies in starboard-quarter and broadside view with her colours struck To the left of her are the bows of an English ship beside a further prize On the right of the painting in the distance another Spanish Rear-Admiral is sailing out of the picture hotly engaged on both sides Of the Spanish fleet 16 were taken and seven burnt <br /> The artist started his painting career as an assistant to a ship's painter on Sir Charles Knowles's ship and he rose to become one of the principal painters of naval actions of the 18th century The painting was exhibited at the Society of Artists in 1767 and 1768 1767 oil canvas cm 132 213 3 National Maritime Museum Greenwich England object history credit line accession number BHC0351 http //collections nmm ac uk/collections/objects/11843 html collections nmm ac uk<br />Transferred from http //en wikipedia org en wikipedia; Transfer was stated to be made by User Barbe-Noire 2007-05-27 Original uploader was Huhtala at http //en wikipedia org en wikipedia PD-old-100 PD-US Original upload log page en wikipedia The_Battle_of_Cape_Passaro jpg 2007-05-27 07 27 Huhtala 700�429�8 45996 bytes <nowiki>A depiction of an action during the war with Spain 1718-20 In this painting created half a century after the event the action is shown at about 4 o'clock Byng's flagship the 'Barfleur' 90 guns is prominently depicted firing her starboard broadsid</nowiki> 1767 paintings Military history of Spain Sailing ships of the Royal Navy Naval battles involving Spain 18th-century paintings of naval battles Prize law Richard Paton Paintings in the National Maritime Museum London
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