Keywords: The best homes in America plant my flowers, why not you? (15769344423).jpg HE MAGNIFICENT <br> Princ ess Ro s e Coll ection <br> ST HE PRINCESS ROSE COLLECTION consists of twelve choice varieties of ever-blooming Roses <br> most of them new varieties They are of every shade of color or t'nyt known in this most lovely of all <br> flowers They are all on their own roots I guarantee these Roses to be as good plants as any firm in this <br> country sells for ten or twenty cents each <br> SOUTHERN BELLE New Color rich cream edged -with <br> light pini Splendid bud A first-class Rose in every respect <br> GEORGE PEABODY One of the very best rich velvety enm <br> sons Always in bioom Try it <br> SOUV DE VICTOR HUGO New An improved Duchess <br> de Br ebant Lovely ri»e color with copoerv yellow center <br> Each color blends nicely with the othtr A grand Rose <br> MAD CAROLINE TESTOUT New This is known as <br> the Giant JLa France Large buds and flowers of the brightest <br> pink Nothing finer <br> GOLDEN GATE New Creamy white in color beautifully <br> tinged with fine golden yellow One of the very best new <br> Roses <br> MAD WELCHE Color a beautiful shade of soft amber yel- <br> low deepening towards the center to orange or coppery yellow <br> tinged and clouded ��with pale ruddy crimson Lovely <br> SNOWFLAKE The very best white Rose grown It literally <br> CO eis llie p nL it is to free in fiosvering Can't be beat <br> CHARLES LEGRADY New Color a rich chamois red <br> richiy snaded with darkest crimson; magnificent buds and flow- <br> ers <br> MOSELLA New This is pre-eminently the Rose for <br> evervbouy � grows well blooms well and is hardy; white with <br> yellow center often comes pink centt r <br> STAR OF GOLD New Richest golden yellow; the best <br> of a l J ellO w Roses <br> BON SILENE The old favorite and the sweetest fragrance <br> of all Roses; luvely shade of dark flesh and pink <br> MAD SCIPION COCHET New Primrose yellow with <br> rose shading A grand bedding variety <br> The entire Collection for 50 cents <br> Large two-year-old plants 30 cents each; four for <br> 1 00; the entire twelve for 2 50 <br> ' nilPHFW Rfl F Pfll IFPTIflN T e Roses in this H ' tion are in every respect the eqnal of the Prin- <br> Ll'JilMLOO liUOL llULLLu I lUll cess collection Making choice of either collection yon make no mistake <br> The entire collection for only 50c Large two-year-old plants 30c each; four for 1 00; the entire twelve for 2 50 <br> WHITE MAMAN COCHET New Thelareest white Rose <br> grown A free bloomer and strong grower A No I <br> MRS PIERPONT MORGAN New Color a bright rosy <br> blush The brightestai il best of all Roses oi this color Very <br> rich <br> CHAMPION OF THE WORLD New Entirely hardy; al- <br> ways in bloom both Winter and Summer; clear pink; a -olid <br> color Famous the world over You cannot get a better Rose <br> LA FRANCE Everybody's favorite Satiny rose shade <br> mingled with delicate pink A Rose one cannot have too many <br> of <br> JUBILEE New Rich velvety crimson of the darkest <br> shade; free bloomer and hcrdv First-class in every respect <br> YELLOW TEA New Richest golden yellow Alwavsin <br> bloom '1 his Rose grows in favor every day as a fine yellow <br> Rose Deliciously fragrant <br> MONTHLY CABBAGE Everybody remembers the old <br> Monthly Canbage Kose of our mothers' gardens that bloomed <br> but once a year Here we have it in a monthly bloomer <br> MAD CAMILLE A garden Rose which has no superiors <br> Strong grower hardy and free in flower buds and flowers of <br> the largest size Color delicate rosy flesh changing to salmon <br> rose <br> QUEEN'S SCARLET The best of all red Roses for the gar- <br> den; bright scarlet in color <br> LETTY COLES A most beautiful Rose of the larg-est size; <br> fainy tivaliug any Rose grown As pretty as its namesake <br> PRINCESS BEATRICE New Slid by rnar y to be the <br> most love I y Rote extant Light yellow v itH bright pink edges <br> The flowers almost say I am a princess indeed <br> GENERAL DE TARTAS A great garden Rose is very popu- <br> lar where known and justiy so Lovelv deep rose sometimes <br> tinged with delicate buff A first-class Rose <br> SPECIAL BARGAIN If TOn o der both the PrincAgc gn d Duchess Collections of 24 Roses for 1 00 and will add 10 cents <br> ��_vr n uniiunno for postage I will add a plant of the great climbing Rove Climbing White Pet or Climbing Meteor <br> whichever Ro'se yon nmy wish one is pure white the other velvety-crimson When you order say which climber y m desire <br> Two of th° most wonderful Roses of recent years This will give you 25 of the choicest Roses for 1 10 In ordering single col- <br> lection say Prin ess or ' Duchess collection of Boses 41846979 130961 64578 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/41846979 1899 10 5962/bhl title 64578 Ella V Baines Firm ; Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection Biodiversity Heritage Library Miss Ella V Baines the Woman Florist Springfield Ohio The best homes in America plant my flowers why not you Garden Stories Bulbs Plants Catalogs Flowers Plants Ornamental Seed industry and trade Seeds Trade catalogs U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 41846979 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/41846979 bhlGardenStories BHLinbloom bulbs plants plants ornamental u s department of agriculture national agricultural library bhlgardenstories bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-01-28 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/15769344423 2015-08-24 06 53 15 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script The best homes in America The best homes in America plant my flowers, why not you? (15769344423).jpg HE MAGNIFICENT <br> Princ ess Ro s e Coll ection <br> ST HE PRINCESS ROSE COLLECTION consists of twelve choice varieties of ever-blooming Roses <br> most of them new varieties They are of every shade of color or t'nyt known in this most lovely of all <br> flowers They are all on their own roots I guarantee these Roses to be as good plants as any firm in this <br> country sells for ten or twenty cents each <br> SOUTHERN BELLE New Color rich cream edged -with <br> light pini Splendid bud A first-class Rose in every respect <br> GEORGE PEABODY One of the very best rich velvety enm <br> sons Always in bioom Try it <br> SOUV DE VICTOR HUGO New An improved Duchess <br> de Br ebant Lovely ri»e color with copoerv yellow center <br> Each color blends nicely with the othtr A grand Rose <br> MAD CAROLINE TESTOUT New This is known as <br> the Giant JLa France Large buds and flowers of the brightest <br> pink Nothing finer <br> GOLDEN GATE New Creamy white in color beautifully <br> tinged with fine golden yellow One of the very best new <br> Roses <br> MAD WELCHE Color a beautiful shade of soft amber yel- <br> low deepening towards the center to orange or coppery yellow <br> tinged and clouded ��with pale ruddy crimson Lovely <br> SNOWFLAKE The very best white Rose grown It literally <br> CO eis llie p nL it is to free in fiosvering Can't be beat <br> CHARLES LEGRADY New Color a rich chamois red <br> richiy snaded with darkest crimson; magnificent buds and flow- <br> ers <br> MOSELLA New This is pre-eminently the Rose for <br> evervbouy � grows well blooms well and is hardy; white with <br> yellow center often comes pink centt r <br> STAR OF GOLD New Richest golden yellow; the best <br> of a l J ellO w Roses <br> BON SILENE The old favorite and the sweetest fragrance <br> of all Roses; luvely shade of dark flesh and pink <br> MAD SCIPION COCHET New Primrose yellow with <br> rose shading A grand bedding variety <br> The entire Collection for 50 cents <br> Large two-year-old plants 30 cents each; four for <br> 1 00; the entire twelve for 2 50 <br> ' nilPHFW Rfl F Pfll IFPTIflN T e Roses in this H ' tion are in every respect the eqnal of the Prin- <br> Ll'JilMLOO liUOL llULLLu I lUll cess collection Making choice of either collection yon make no mistake <br> The entire collection for only 50c Large two-year-old plants 30c each; four for 1 00; the entire twelve for 2 50 <br> WHITE MAMAN COCHET New Thelareest white Rose <br> grown A free bloomer and strong grower A No I <br> MRS PIERPONT MORGAN New Color a bright rosy <br> blush The brightestai il best of all Roses oi this color Very <br> rich <br> CHAMPION OF THE WORLD New Entirely hardy; al- <br> ways in bloom both Winter and Summer; clear pink; a -olid <br> color Famous the world over You cannot get a better Rose <br> LA FRANCE Everybody's favorite Satiny rose shade <br> mingled with delicate pink A Rose one cannot have too many <br> of <br> JUBILEE New Rich velvety crimson of the darkest <br> shade; free bloomer and hcrdv First-class in every respect <br> YELLOW TEA New Richest golden yellow Alwavsin <br> bloom '1 his Rose grows in favor every day as a fine yellow <br> Rose Deliciously fragrant <br> MONTHLY CABBAGE Everybody remembers the old <br> Monthly Canbage Kose of our mothers' gardens that bloomed <br> but once a year Here we have it in a monthly bloomer <br> MAD CAMILLE A garden Rose which has no superiors <br> Strong grower hardy and free in flower buds and flowers of <br> the largest size Color delicate rosy flesh changing to salmon <br> rose <br> QUEEN'S SCARLET The best of all red Roses for the gar- <br> den; bright scarlet in color <br> LETTY COLES A most beautiful Rose of the larg-est size; <br> fainy tivaliug any Rose grown As pretty as its namesake <br> PRINCESS BEATRICE New Slid by rnar y to be the <br> most love I y Rote extant Light yellow v itH bright pink edges <br> The flowers almost say I am a princess indeed <br> GENERAL DE TARTAS A great garden Rose is very popu- <br> lar where known and justiy so Lovelv deep rose sometimes <br> tinged with delicate buff A first-class Rose <br> SPECIAL BARGAIN If TOn o der both the PrincAgc gn d Duchess Collections of 24 Roses for 1 00 and will add 10 cents <br> ��_vr n uniiunno for postage I will add a plant of the great climbing Rove Climbing White Pet or Climbing Meteor <br> whichever Ro'se yon nmy wish one is pure white the other velvety-crimson When you order say which climber y m desire <br> Two of th° most wonderful Roses of recent years This will give you 25 of the choicest Roses for 1 10 In ordering single col- <br> lection say Prin ess or ' Duchess collection of Boses 41846979 130961 64578 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/41846979 1899 10 5962/bhl title 64578 Ella V Baines Firm ; Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection Biodiversity Heritage Library Miss Ella V Baines the Woman Florist Springfield Ohio The best homes in America plant my flowers why not you Garden Stories Bulbs Plants Catalogs Flowers Plants Ornamental Seed industry and trade Seeds Trade catalogs U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 41846979 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/41846979 bhlGardenStories BHLinbloom bulbs plants plants ornamental u s department of agriculture national agricultural library bhlgardenstories bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-01-28 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/15769344423 2015-08-24 06 53 15 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script The best homes in America |