Keywords: The best homes in America plant my flowers, why not you? (16203143299).jpg ss » »»ss»»»»»»»»a»»»a»»»»»»»»»»»a»3 a»a»a tl THERE ARE FEW HOMES <br> That have not a loved one resting in <br> vt i the cemetery and but few that would <br> FOR- <br> S <br> CEMETERY t <br> \i/ <br> PLANTING <br> m <br> not spend 40 cents to beautify the <br> grave of that loved one I offer this <br> fine set of choice white Roses for that <br> CORNELIA COOK Very large pure white buas and flow <br> ers Excellent Price 10 cents each <br> THE BRIDE An elegant while Rose and very free flower- <br> ing Price 15 cents each <br> MARIE GUILLOT This Rose is as perfect in bud and flow- <br> er as a Camellia Pure white in color Price 10 cents each <br> I will furnish these six choice white Roses for 40 cents Large two-year-old plants 30 cents eaci <br> or the six for 1 50 In ordering say Cemetery collection of Roses - ' <br> MARIE VAN HOUTTE A most elegant Rose The color is <br> white shaded lemon-yellow Price 10 cents each <br> SNOWFLAKE New It is always in bloom An excellent <br> sort Price 15 cents each <br> THE OUEEN New This Rose is a beauty Pure waxy <br> white A most remarkable Rose Price 15 cents each <br> '4' <br> PERLE D' OR Charm- <br> 5g ing and very distinct Col- <br> ora coppery-gold chang- <br> Or <br> Polyantha <br> Fairy <br> Roses <br> Price lOcents each; large ' ny xvose jr <br> ' ' faintly touched <br> two - year - old plants 25 s <br> cents each <br> gg ing to fawn and salmon <br> gg flat-rayed form very doub- <br> gg le and'elegantly pertumed <br> PRINCESS MARIE <br> ADELAIDE Large doub- <br> g le deep pink flowers bet- <br> p ter than Pink Soupert A <br> KJ gem in every way <br> i PETITE LEONIE The <br> jg most delicate in coloring of <br> Rose Pure white <br> with pink <br> £j iwu - ca - um I'lann o A charming Rose <br> M cents each gg PAQUERETTE I con- <br> 38 gg sider this the best of all <br> §S NOTICE � cordially recom- gg the Polyantha Roses The <br> gg mend these exquisite Ever-bloom- gg flowers are pure white <br> ; ing Fairy Roses They are o£ a gg about one inch in diameter <br> S shrubby compact growth bloom gg flowering in clusters of <br> 3 profusely all through the season gg from five to fifty blooms <br> 38 and are very desirable for bed- gg Very full prettily formed <br> m ding as well as for edging bor- gg recalling the blossoms of <br> 35 ders etc They are moderately gg the double-flowering cher- <br> 35 hardy but should have a cover- gg ry and fullv equals the <br> 35 ing of leaves or litter just before gg double white' Primrose in <br> 35 Winter begins gg profuse blooming during <br> I v wn V the winter - This is a va- <br> i W Y y S riety that every one is <br> pleased with <br> MINIATURE This is the smallest of all Roses but perfect <br> in iorm regular compact fairy-like flowers fully double and <br> very fragrant Flowers in wreaths and clusters almost covering <br> the whole plant The color is a cream-rose flushed with a <br> peachy-red <br> MADEMOISELLE CECILE BRUNER Larger flowers than <br> any of the others perfectly double and delightfully fragrant <br> Color a rosy-pink on a rich creamy-white ground <br> MRS E A NOLTE A lovely shade of chrome-yellow A <br> new color in Polyanthas Very beautiful <br> GOLDEN FAIRY This is a lovely Rose Very free-flower- <br> ing color rich goiden-yellow Kntirely distinct <br> JEANNIE DRIVON Color light flesh changing to white <br> Very periect double flowers <br> GEORGE PERNET It is continually in bloom the flowers <br> being quite large lor this class A beautiful fiat form The <br> color is a very bright rose with touches of yellow and passes to <br> peach-blow with silvery-white shadings The prettiest of all <br> the Polyanthas <br> SPECIAL OFFER � The set of thirteen Fairy <br> 7 �� i Cs 1A C 4 <br> Imp <br> MIGNONETTE A lovely Fairy Rose Full regular flowers <br> perfectly double and deliciously perfumed Color a clear pink <br> passing to white tinged with pale rose <br> ELIZA CHATRAND One of the most lovely of all Roses <br> having lovely rose-colored flowers elegantly penciled and <br> touched with ruddy saffron Very free bloomer <br> GLOIRE DB POLYANTHA A beautiful Fairy Rose Flow <br> ers large perfectly double and deliciously sweet Color a fine <br> citron-rose elegantly flushed a pale carmine <br> Roses named for 1 00 Any six for 50 cents <br> Winter blooming Roses <br> FOR HOUSE <br> CULTURE <br> THESE ARE THE BEST ROSES FOR BLOOMING INDOORS IN WINTER <br> SCARLET HERMOSA This Rose will <br> produce more bcautilul Roses in the Winter <br> than any Rose I grow A small bush will <br> produce hundreds of blooms Color crim- <br> son-scarlet Very rich and beautiful Ex- <br> tra fine <br> CHAMPION OF THE WORLD It is the <br> champion bloomer It commences to bloom <br> as soon as started to grow ana continues to <br> bloom in the greatest profusion both Win- <br> ter and Summer A rich deep rosy-pink <br> or flesh color <br> BRIDESMAID The most elegant pink <br> R se Very large Buds extra fine <br> KAISERIN AUGUSTA VIQTORIA A <br> new pure ��white Rose Very large and <br> double A royal Rose in every respect A <br> Rose I can recommend <br> STAR OF GOLD This is the best all <br> round deep golden-yellow Tea Rose that is <br> grown The buds are very large and shape- <br> ly while the flower is double to the center <br> and it is a deeper golden-yellowthan Mare- <br> chal Neil Don't fail to try this variety <br> MADAME DE VATREY This is a great <br> Winter-blooming Rose with buds and flow- <br> ers of the largest size Color richest crim- <br> son The best of its color <br> Price io cents each; or the Collection of six choice Winter bloom <br> ing Roses only 40 cents Large two year old plants <br> 30 cent each; the six for 1 50 41846975 130961 64578 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/41846975 1899 10 5962/bhl title 64578 Ella V Baines Firm ; Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection Biodiversity Heritage Library Miss Ella V Baines the Woman Florist Springfield Ohio The best homes in America plant my flowers why not you Garden Stories Bulbs Plants Catalogs Flowers Plants Ornamental Seed industry and trade Seeds Trade catalogs U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 41846975 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/41846975 bhlGardenStories BHLinbloom bulbs plants plants ornamental u s department of agriculture national agricultural library bhlgardenstories bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-01-28 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/16203143299 2015-08-24 06 55 36 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script The best homes in America The best homes in America plant my flowers, why not you? (16203143299).jpg ss » »»ss»»»»»»»»a»»»a»»»»»»»»»»»a»3 a»a»a tl THERE ARE FEW HOMES <br> That have not a loved one resting in <br> vt i the cemetery and but few that would <br> FOR- <br> S <br> CEMETERY t <br> \i/ <br> PLANTING <br> m <br> not spend 40 cents to beautify the <br> grave of that loved one I offer this <br> fine set of choice white Roses for that <br> CORNELIA COOK Very large pure white buas and flow <br> ers Excellent Price 10 cents each <br> THE BRIDE An elegant while Rose and very free flower- <br> ing Price 15 cents each <br> MARIE GUILLOT This Rose is as perfect in bud and flow- <br> er as a Camellia Pure white in color Price 10 cents each <br> I will furnish these six choice white Roses for 40 cents Large two-year-old plants 30 cents eaci <br> or the six for 1 50 In ordering say Cemetery collection of Roses - ' <br> MARIE VAN HOUTTE A most elegant Rose The color is <br> white shaded lemon-yellow Price 10 cents each <br> SNOWFLAKE New It is always in bloom An excellent <br> sort Price 15 cents each <br> THE OUEEN New This Rose is a beauty Pure waxy <br> white A most remarkable Rose Price 15 cents each <br> '4' <br> PERLE D' OR Charm- <br> 5g ing and very distinct Col- <br> ora coppery-gold chang- <br> Or <br> Polyantha <br> Fairy <br> Roses <br> Price lOcents each; large ' ny xvose jr <br> ' ' faintly touched <br> two - year - old plants 25 s <br> cents each <br> gg ing to fawn and salmon <br> gg flat-rayed form very doub- <br> gg le and'elegantly pertumed <br> PRINCESS MARIE <br> ADELAIDE Large doub- <br> g le deep pink flowers bet- <br> p ter than Pink Soupert A <br> KJ gem in every way <br> i PETITE LEONIE The <br> jg most delicate in coloring of <br> Rose Pure white <br> with pink <br> £j iwu - ca - um I'lann o A charming Rose <br> M cents each gg PAQUERETTE I con- <br> 38 gg sider this the best of all <br> §S NOTICE � cordially recom- gg the Polyantha Roses The <br> gg mend these exquisite Ever-bloom- gg flowers are pure white <br> ; ing Fairy Roses They are o£ a gg about one inch in diameter <br> S shrubby compact growth bloom gg flowering in clusters of <br> 3 profusely all through the season gg from five to fifty blooms <br> 38 and are very desirable for bed- gg Very full prettily formed <br> m ding as well as for edging bor- gg recalling the blossoms of <br> 35 ders etc They are moderately gg the double-flowering cher- <br> 35 hardy but should have a cover- gg ry and fullv equals the <br> 35 ing of leaves or litter just before gg double white' Primrose in <br> 35 Winter begins gg profuse blooming during <br> I v wn V the winter - This is a va- <br> i W Y y S riety that every one is <br> pleased with <br> MINIATURE This is the smallest of all Roses but perfect <br> in iorm regular compact fairy-like flowers fully double and <br> very fragrant Flowers in wreaths and clusters almost covering <br> the whole plant The color is a cream-rose flushed with a <br> peachy-red <br> MADEMOISELLE CECILE BRUNER Larger flowers than <br> any of the others perfectly double and delightfully fragrant <br> Color a rosy-pink on a rich creamy-white ground <br> MRS E A NOLTE A lovely shade of chrome-yellow A <br> new color in Polyanthas Very beautiful <br> GOLDEN FAIRY This is a lovely Rose Very free-flower- <br> ing color rich goiden-yellow Kntirely distinct <br> JEANNIE DRIVON Color light flesh changing to white <br> Very periect double flowers <br> GEORGE PERNET It is continually in bloom the flowers <br> being quite large lor this class A beautiful fiat form The <br> color is a very bright rose with touches of yellow and passes to <br> peach-blow with silvery-white shadings The prettiest of all <br> the Polyanthas <br> SPECIAL OFFER � The set of thirteen Fairy <br> 7 �� i Cs 1A C 4 <br> Imp <br> MIGNONETTE A lovely Fairy Rose Full regular flowers <br> perfectly double and deliciously perfumed Color a clear pink <br> passing to white tinged with pale rose <br> ELIZA CHATRAND One of the most lovely of all Roses <br> having lovely rose-colored flowers elegantly penciled and <br> touched with ruddy saffron Very free bloomer <br> GLOIRE DB POLYANTHA A beautiful Fairy Rose Flow <br> ers large perfectly double and deliciously sweet Color a fine <br> citron-rose elegantly flushed a pale carmine <br> Roses named for 1 00 Any six for 50 cents <br> Winter blooming Roses <br> FOR HOUSE <br> CULTURE <br> THESE ARE THE BEST ROSES FOR BLOOMING INDOORS IN WINTER <br> SCARLET HERMOSA This Rose will <br> produce more bcautilul Roses in the Winter <br> than any Rose I grow A small bush will <br> produce hundreds of blooms Color crim- <br> son-scarlet Very rich and beautiful Ex- <br> tra fine <br> CHAMPION OF THE WORLD It is the <br> champion bloomer It commences to bloom <br> as soon as started to grow ana continues to <br> bloom in the greatest profusion both Win- <br> ter and Summer A rich deep rosy-pink <br> or flesh color <br> BRIDESMAID The most elegant pink <br> R se Very large Buds extra fine <br> KAISERIN AUGUSTA VIQTORIA A <br> new pure ��white Rose Very large and <br> double A royal Rose in every respect A <br> Rose I can recommend <br> STAR OF GOLD This is the best all <br> round deep golden-yellow Tea Rose that is <br> grown The buds are very large and shape- <br> ly while the flower is double to the center <br> and it is a deeper golden-yellowthan Mare- <br> chal Neil Don't fail to try this variety <br> MADAME DE VATREY This is a great <br> Winter-blooming Rose with buds and flow- <br> ers of the largest size Color richest crim- <br> son The best of its color <br> Price io cents each; or the Collection of six choice Winter bloom <br> ing Roses only 40 cents Large two year old plants <br> 30 cent each; the six for 1 50 41846975 130961 64578 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/41846975 1899 10 5962/bhl title 64578 Ella V Baines Firm ; Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection Biodiversity Heritage Library Miss Ella V Baines the Woman Florist Springfield Ohio The best homes in America plant my flowers why not you Garden Stories Bulbs Plants Catalogs Flowers Plants Ornamental Seed industry and trade Seeds Trade catalogs U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 41846975 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/41846975 bhlGardenStories BHLinbloom bulbs plants plants ornamental u s department of agriculture national agricultural library bhlgardenstories bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-01-28 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/16203143299 2015-08-24 06 55 36 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script The best homes in America |