MAKE A MEME View Large Image The best homes in America plant my flowers, why not you? (16388386592).jpg fe Most Elegant Calla Lilies <br> CALLA ETHIOPICA Egyptian Lily <br> This is the well-known Egyptian Lily or Lily of the Nile <br> with large white flowers broad ...
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Keywords: The best homes in America plant my flowers, why not you? (16388386592).jpg fe Most Elegant Calla Lilies <br> CALLA ETHIOPICA Egyptian Lily <br> This is the well-known Egyptian Lily or Lily of the Nile <br> with large white flowers broad foliage and it will prosper <br> under very adverse circumstances If you want large Cal- <br> las send to me as I am headquarters for them I have three <br> sizes Price small plants to bloom next Winter 10 <br> cents each; strong blooming bulbs 25 cents each; <br> extra strong bulbs that will produce a dozen blooms <br> 50 cents each <br> CALLA RICHARDIA Spotted Calla <br> A plant wilh beautiful spotted leaves It flowers abund- <br> antly during the Summer months when planted out in the <br> open border The flowers are shaped like those of a Calla <br> and are pure white shaded with violet inside Keep dry in <br> Winter and start in the Spring like a Dahlia Tne plant <br> belongs to the same order as Calla Ethiopica Price <br> blooming bulbs 10 cents each; large bulbs to pro- <br> duce an abundance of bloom 25 cents each <br> THE BLACK CALLA <br> The introducer says Its flowers are enormous fully afoot <br> in length Color a clear coal black so intense that it really <br> shows a brilliancy and as may well be imagined it is a flow- <br> er of the most striking oddity and beauty The bulbs are <br> large and should be potted in the Fall and when growth <br> commences set in a window After blccixiag tie foliage <br> will die down and the bulb should be kept dry for planting <br> again in the Fall It is a native of the Holy Lanrf Treat <br> same as for White Caila Lily This is a very beautiful Lily <br> I have flowered it extensively It is coal black and is a great <br> curiositv It is very scarce Price of large flowering <br> bulbs 30 cents each <br> The Most Wonderful oJ All Plants of the Beautifttl <br> Lily Family the <br> NEW DWARF EVER-BLOOMING CALLA LILY <br> It is my good fortune to have come into possession of this <br> most valuable of all Callas The following facts will con- <br> vince any one of its great superiority over the old sorts It <br> is of dwarf habit and does not grow tall and scraggy like the <br> old variety but is compact with a great abundance of lus- <br> trous dark green foliage It is a true ever-bloomer its flow- <br> ers appearing in great abundance both Summer and Winter <br> when grown in pots or it will bloom profusely all Summer <br> long in the open ground and being potted in September will <br> continue blooming without intermission all Winter The <br> same plant will grow and bloom for years without once <br> ceasing and the quantity of bloom which a gnod plant will <br> produce is astonishing It is estimated that six plantsof the <br> old sort will not produce so many flowers in the course of a <br> year as will one plant of this new dwarf variety A large <br> plant is hardly ever without one or more flowers and its <br> dwarf compact habit makes a much more desirable pot plant <br> than the old variety Its flowers are large and snow-white <br> in color All in all it is one of the most desirable plants I <br> ever offered Price bulbs of blooming size 25 cents <br> each; extra large size 50 cents each <br> SPECIAL OFFER � The lour varieties of Calla Lil- <br> ies all of beat btoosgi ng si z e f of esSy ST <br> BEAUTIFUL MARGUERITE DAISIES <br> MARGUERITE DAISY MADAME GAILBERT <br> This is one of the finest new plants that has ever been introduced Nothing <br> ean be imagined that is finer All know the old varieties of Paris Daisies how <br> beautiful and much sought af er for decoration of all kinds This new variety <br> blooms constantly and will produce ten blooms to the old variety's one Noth- <br> ing is so airy and graceful as these blossoms cf large white petals showing a <br> yellow disc Price 10 cents each <br> MARGUERITE DAISY ETOILE DE OR <br> The new yellow Paris Daisy similar to the above but a rich golden color <br> The two varieties go handsomely together Price 10 cents each <br> These two beautiful varieties of Paris Daisies for only 15 cents Or- <br> der them if you want something nice <br> MARGUERITE DAISY MADAME GAILBERT 41847004 130961 64578 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/41847004 1899 10 5962/bhl title 64578 Ella V Baines Firm ; Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection NameFound Calla ethiopica NameConfirmed Calla aethiopica L EOLID 1127679 NameBankID 611142 NameFound Ethiopica NameConfirmed Ethiopica EOLID 66302 NameBankID 4162235 NameFound Richardia NameConfirmed Richardia EOLID 29640 NameBankID 387684 Biodiversity Heritage Library Miss Ella V Baines the Woman Florist Springfield Ohio The best homes in America plant my flowers why not you Garden Stories Bulbs Plants Catalogs Flowers Plants Ornamental Seed industry and trade Seeds Trade catalogs U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 41847004 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/41847004 bhlGardenStories BHLinbloom bulbs plants plants ornamental u s department of agriculture national agricultural library bhlgardenstories bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-01-28 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/16388386592 2015-08-24 07 55 05 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script The best homes in America The best homes in America plant my flowers, why not you? (16388386592).jpg fe Most Elegant Calla Lilies <br> CALLA ETHIOPICA Egyptian Lily <br> This is the well-known Egyptian Lily or Lily of the Nile <br> with large white flowers broad foliage and it will prosper <br> under very adverse circumstances If you want large Cal- <br> las send to me as I am headquarters for them I have three <br> sizes Price small plants to bloom next Winter 10 <br> cents each; strong blooming bulbs 25 cents each; <br> extra strong bulbs that will produce a dozen blooms <br> 50 cents each <br> CALLA RICHARDIA Spotted Calla <br> A plant wilh beautiful spotted leaves It flowers abund- <br> antly during the Summer months when planted out in the <br> open border The flowers are shaped like those of a Calla <br> and are pure white shaded with violet inside Keep dry in <br> Winter and start in the Spring like a Dahlia Tne plant <br> belongs to the same order as Calla Ethiopica Price <br> blooming bulbs 10 cents each; large bulbs to pro- <br> duce an abundance of bloom 25 cents each <br> THE BLACK CALLA <br> The introducer says Its flowers are enormous fully afoot <br> in length Color a clear coal black so intense that it really <br> shows a brilliancy and as may well be imagined it is a flow- <br> er of the most striking oddity and beauty The bulbs are <br> large and should be potted in the Fall and when growth <br> commences set in a window After blccixiag tie foliage <br> will die down and the bulb should be kept dry for planting <br> again in the Fall It is a native of the Holy Lanrf Treat <br> same as for White Caila Lily This is a very beautiful Lily <br> I have flowered it extensively It is coal black and is a great <br> curiositv It is very scarce Price of large flowering <br> bulbs 30 cents each <br> The Most Wonderful oJ All Plants of the Beautifttl <br> Lily Family the <br> NEW DWARF EVER-BLOOMING CALLA LILY <br> It is my good fortune to have come into possession of this <br> most valuable of all Callas The following facts will con- <br> vince any one of its great superiority over the old sorts It <br> is of dwarf habit and does not grow tall and scraggy like the <br> old variety but is compact with a great abundance of lus- <br> trous dark green foliage It is a true ever-bloomer its flow- <br> ers appearing in great abundance both Summer and Winter <br> when grown in pots or it will bloom profusely all Summer <br> long in the open ground and being potted in September will <br> continue blooming without intermission all Winter The <br> same plant will grow and bloom for years without once <br> ceasing and the quantity of bloom which a gnod plant will <br> produce is astonishing It is estimated that six plantsof the <br> old sort will not produce so many flowers in the course of a <br> year as will one plant of this new dwarf variety A large <br> plant is hardly ever without one or more flowers and its <br> dwarf compact habit makes a much more desirable pot plant <br> than the old variety Its flowers are large and snow-white <br> in color All in all it is one of the most desirable plants I <br> ever offered Price bulbs of blooming size 25 cents <br> each; extra large size 50 cents each <br> SPECIAL OFFER � The lour varieties of Calla Lil- <br> ies all of beat btoosgi ng si z e f of esSy ST <br> BEAUTIFUL MARGUERITE DAISIES <br> MARGUERITE DAISY MADAME GAILBERT <br> This is one of the finest new plants that has ever been introduced Nothing <br> ean be imagined that is finer All know the old varieties of Paris Daisies how <br> beautiful and much sought af er for decoration of all kinds This new variety <br> blooms constantly and will produce ten blooms to the old variety's one Noth- <br> ing is so airy and graceful as these blossoms cf large white petals showing a <br> yellow disc Price 10 cents each <br> MARGUERITE DAISY ETOILE DE OR <br> The new yellow Paris Daisy similar to the above but a rich golden color <br> The two varieties go handsomely together Price 10 cents each <br> These two beautiful varieties of Paris Daisies for only 15 cents Or- <br> der them if you want something nice <br> MARGUERITE DAISY MADAME GAILBERT 41847004 130961 64578 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/41847004 1899 10 5962/bhl title 64578 Ella V Baines Firm ; Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection NameFound Calla ethiopica NameConfirmed Calla aethiopica L EOLID 1127679 NameBankID 611142 NameFound Ethiopica NameConfirmed Ethiopica EOLID 66302 NameBankID 4162235 NameFound Richardia NameConfirmed Richardia EOLID 29640 NameBankID 387684 Biodiversity Heritage Library Miss Ella V Baines the Woman Florist Springfield Ohio The best homes in America plant my flowers why not you Garden Stories Bulbs Plants Catalogs Flowers Plants Ornamental Seed industry and trade Seeds Trade catalogs U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 41847004 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/41847004 bhlGardenStories BHLinbloom bulbs plants plants ornamental u s department of agriculture national agricultural library bhlgardenstories bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-01-28 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/16388386592 2015-08-24 07 55 05 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script The best homes in America
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