Keywords: The best homes in America plant my flowers, why not you? (16363338876).jpg THE HARDIEST OF <br> CLIMBING <br> Ea S88 SSaSSSEBHB3SSSSX 3 5 <br> VINES s s s <br> The <br> Mountain <br> Beauty <br> Antigonon Leptophus <br> Rosa de Montana s <br> 15 CENTS EACH <br> TWO FOR 25 CENTS <br> � �� <br> FOR <br> I have been in quest of this beautiful hardy climbing vine <br> which might be well called the Carmine Wisteria so <br> MANY similar are the lovely clusters of flowers with those of the <br> VC A PC W' ster ' a ' Apart from the similarity of the flowers it differs <br> YcAKo irom the Wisteria in many ways Although it is a native of <br> Montana I secured my original stock in Germany and after <br> careful treatment have surcecdi ri in getting a quantity of it ready for <br> sale I believe it to be one of the most beautiful as well as one ot the <br> rarest hardy Climbers in existence and I have the distinction of being <br> the only florist to offer it at any price <br> Mountain Beauty is absolutely <br> hardy and once pianted is practi- <br> cally everlasting The foliage <br> as well as habit of growth resem- <br> bles Ampelopsis Veitchii one of <br> the most popular and valuable of <br> hardy climbers It surpasses Am- <br> pelopsis Veitchii however inas- <br> much as it produces immense <br> clusters of the most exquisite flow- <br> ers imaginable The flowers are <br> borne in prodigious profusion <br> and a well-established plam <br> loaded with its gorgeous carmine <br> flowers is one of the grandtst <br> sights we have ever seen Imag- <br> ine a plant of Ampelopsis Veitchii <br> with its magnificent laige deep- <br> green folia-e covering the entire <br> side of an ordinary dweIling load- <br> ed down with large clusters of <br> carmine flowers and yon can form <br> an idea of the splendor of MOUN- <br> TAIN Beauty <br> This is really a wonderful novel- <br> tv; which will excite the admira- <br> tion of the botanist as well as that <br> of the amateur planter It is one of our grandest introductions sure'to <br> become immensely popular because of its handsome foliage hardiness <br> and lastly its superh b illiant flowers <br> I make the price low for strong plants This is one of the plants you <br> will be sorry to have missed getting when you see it growing and <br> blooming Bv all means take my advice and include three plants at <br> least in \ our order <br> \ SSiX SSi St I SSSS S ZS3SiS S3 SS SSSZWSS SSXSXSS <br> GROTONS <br> THE Crotons are among the finest decorative foliage plants known As easy to grow as <br> Coieus and much brighter in their coloring Our customers everywhere especially <br> in the South should bed out Crotons The leaves of all are more or less veined and <br> margined sometimes entirely variegated with shades of yellow orange and crimson Some <br> have long narrow leaves arching gracefully fountain fashion others are broad and short oak- <br> leaved Some recurve very much' others twisted corkscrew-like Crotons love heat sunshine <br> and moisture The crotons are fast becoming one of our most beautiful bedding plants and are <br> also one of the handsomest house plants in pots Price 10 cents each; three for 2-5 <br> cents; seven choice varieties all different for 50 cents <br> AUREA MACULATUS Small leaves neat often changing in form; has different shad- s <br> habit deep bright green profusely spotted <br> with brio-ht vellow <br> CORNUTUM Green with a profusion of <br> yellow spots <br> ACUBIFOLIUM Mottled with red and <br> yellow <br> DISRAELI A lobed variety with golden- <br> yellow ribs and spots <br> INTERRUPTUM Long narrow leaves <br> spotted with vellow <br> IRREGULARE Leaves irregular in shape <br> of vellow orange and crimson <br> MULTICOLOR Dark green foliage mark- <br> ed yellow and crimson <br> MAJESTICUM Mottled and margined <br> with crimson and veilow <br> NOBILLUS Pendulous leaves richly col- <br> ored crimson and yellow <br> VARIEGATUM Veins broadly margined <br> ��with golden-vellow <br> WEISMANNII Long narrow leaves <br> mottled with golden-yellow <br> 'SUN PROOF COLLECTION OF BEDDING COLEOS <br> Price postpaid by mail 5 cnts each; six for '25 cents; twenty- <br> flye for 1 00 By express at purchaser's expen»e thirty-fire <br> I fine sorts for 1 10 In large quantities for beddiner in colors <br> 2 60 per one hundred by express at purchaser's expense <br> AUTUMN GLOW Has all the beautiful tints of Autumn leave <br> BRONZE QUEEN A deep bronze with a fine yellow edge <br> BLACK BIRD Very dark with reddish cast <br> BUTTERFLY A crimson-bronze old gold and green <br> BIZARRE Crimson center edged with green and gold <br> BEAUTY A crimson bronze with green edge <br> CHICAGO BEDDER Green and gold An excellent bedder <br> DORA CLAPP Crimson center with bronze and green edge <br> EMPRESS OF INDIA Crimson with golden edge <br> FIREBRAND A fine bedder D rk crimson shaded garnet <br> FIRE CREST The foliage is a brightcarmine-crimson shade <br> the edge is slightly marked with golden-vellow <br> GOLDEN BEDDER Dep golden-yellow A fine bedder <br> GOLDEN VERSCHAFELTH This ranks first in the yellow <br> varieties <br> HERO A deep jet black <br> HIAWATHA Bronze and yellow spotted <br> PROGRESS A beautiful mottled red green and bronze <br> RETTA KIRKPATRICK A bright green with large deep <br> yellow center <br> SETTING SUN Crimson with brightest golden edge <br> VERSCHAFELTH A rich velvety-crimson The best bedder <br> YEDDO Ihe color is a deep golden-yellow splotched with a <br> bright green <br> And thirty others ot the most elegant sorts saved Iron ten thousand <br> seedlinps Nothing to compare to them It selection is left to me I make <br> no discrimination because they are all new but all go at the same price 41847002 130961 64578 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/41847002 1899 10 5962/bhl title 64578 Ella V Baines Firm ; Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection NameFound Ampelopsis NameConfirmed Ampelopsis Michx EOLID 59273 NameFound Antigonon NameConfirmed Antigonon Endl EOLID 71428 NameFound Aurea maculatus NameFound Wisteria NameConfirmed Wisteria Nutt EOLID 75921 Biodiversity Heritage Library Miss Ella V Baines the Woman Florist Springfield Ohio The best homes in America plant my flowers why not you Garden Stories Bulbs Plants Catalogs Flowers Plants Ornamental Seed industry and trade Seeds Trade catalogs U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 41847002 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/41847002 bhlGardenStories BHLinbloom bulbs plants plants ornamental u s department of agriculture national agricultural library bhlgardenstories bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-01-28 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/16363338876 2015-08-24 07 51 57 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script The best homes in America The best homes in America plant my flowers, why not you? (16363338876).jpg THE HARDIEST OF <br> CLIMBING <br> Ea S88 SSaSSSEBHB3SSSSX 3 5 <br> VINES s s s <br> The <br> Mountain <br> Beauty <br> Antigonon Leptophus <br> Rosa de Montana s <br> 15 CENTS EACH <br> TWO FOR 25 CENTS <br> � �� <br> FOR <br> I have been in quest of this beautiful hardy climbing vine <br> which might be well called the Carmine Wisteria so <br> MANY similar are the lovely clusters of flowers with those of the <br> VC A PC W' ster ' a ' Apart from the similarity of the flowers it differs <br> YcAKo irom the Wisteria in many ways Although it is a native of <br> Montana I secured my original stock in Germany and after <br> careful treatment have surcecdi ri in getting a quantity of it ready for <br> sale I believe it to be one of the most beautiful as well as one ot the <br> rarest hardy Climbers in existence and I have the distinction of being <br> the only florist to offer it at any price <br> Mountain Beauty is absolutely <br> hardy and once pianted is practi- <br> cally everlasting The foliage <br> as well as habit of growth resem- <br> bles Ampelopsis Veitchii one of <br> the most popular and valuable of <br> hardy climbers It surpasses Am- <br> pelopsis Veitchii however inas- <br> much as it produces immense <br> clusters of the most exquisite flow- <br> ers imaginable The flowers are <br> borne in prodigious profusion <br> and a well-established plam <br> loaded with its gorgeous carmine <br> flowers is one of the grandtst <br> sights we have ever seen Imag- <br> ine a plant of Ampelopsis Veitchii <br> with its magnificent laige deep- <br> green folia-e covering the entire <br> side of an ordinary dweIling load- <br> ed down with large clusters of <br> carmine flowers and yon can form <br> an idea of the splendor of MOUN- <br> TAIN Beauty <br> This is really a wonderful novel- <br> tv; which will excite the admira- <br> tion of the botanist as well as that <br> of the amateur planter It is one of our grandest introductions sure'to <br> become immensely popular because of its handsome foliage hardiness <br> and lastly its superh b illiant flowers <br> I make the price low for strong plants This is one of the plants you <br> will be sorry to have missed getting when you see it growing and <br> blooming Bv all means take my advice and include three plants at <br> least in \ our order <br> \ SSiX SSi St I SSSS S ZS3SiS S3 SS SSSZWSS SSXSXSS <br> GROTONS <br> THE Crotons are among the finest decorative foliage plants known As easy to grow as <br> Coieus and much brighter in their coloring Our customers everywhere especially <br> in the South should bed out Crotons The leaves of all are more or less veined and <br> margined sometimes entirely variegated with shades of yellow orange and crimson Some <br> have long narrow leaves arching gracefully fountain fashion others are broad and short oak- <br> leaved Some recurve very much' others twisted corkscrew-like Crotons love heat sunshine <br> and moisture The crotons are fast becoming one of our most beautiful bedding plants and are <br> also one of the handsomest house plants in pots Price 10 cents each; three for 2-5 <br> cents; seven choice varieties all different for 50 cents <br> AUREA MACULATUS Small leaves neat often changing in form; has different shad- s <br> habit deep bright green profusely spotted <br> with brio-ht vellow <br> CORNUTUM Green with a profusion of <br> yellow spots <br> ACUBIFOLIUM Mottled with red and <br> yellow <br> DISRAELI A lobed variety with golden- <br> yellow ribs and spots <br> INTERRUPTUM Long narrow leaves <br> spotted with vellow <br> IRREGULARE Leaves irregular in shape <br> of vellow orange and crimson <br> MULTICOLOR Dark green foliage mark- <br> ed yellow and crimson <br> MAJESTICUM Mottled and margined <br> with crimson and veilow <br> NOBILLUS Pendulous leaves richly col- <br> ored crimson and yellow <br> VARIEGATUM Veins broadly margined <br> ��with golden-vellow <br> WEISMANNII Long narrow leaves <br> mottled with golden-yellow <br> 'SUN PROOF COLLECTION OF BEDDING COLEOS <br> Price postpaid by mail 5 cnts each; six for '25 cents; twenty- <br> flye for 1 00 By express at purchaser's expen»e thirty-fire <br> I fine sorts for 1 10 In large quantities for beddiner in colors <br> 2 60 per one hundred by express at purchaser's expense <br> AUTUMN GLOW Has all the beautiful tints of Autumn leave <br> BRONZE QUEEN A deep bronze with a fine yellow edge <br> BLACK BIRD Very dark with reddish cast <br> BUTTERFLY A crimson-bronze old gold and green <br> BIZARRE Crimson center edged with green and gold <br> BEAUTY A crimson bronze with green edge <br> CHICAGO BEDDER Green and gold An excellent bedder <br> DORA CLAPP Crimson center with bronze and green edge <br> EMPRESS OF INDIA Crimson with golden edge <br> FIREBRAND A fine bedder D rk crimson shaded garnet <br> FIRE CREST The foliage is a brightcarmine-crimson shade <br> the edge is slightly marked with golden-vellow <br> GOLDEN BEDDER Dep golden-yellow A fine bedder <br> GOLDEN VERSCHAFELTH This ranks first in the yellow <br> varieties <br> HERO A deep jet black <br> HIAWATHA Bronze and yellow spotted <br> PROGRESS A beautiful mottled red green and bronze <br> RETTA KIRKPATRICK A bright green with large deep <br> yellow center <br> SETTING SUN Crimson with brightest golden edge <br> VERSCHAFELTH A rich velvety-crimson The best bedder <br> YEDDO Ihe color is a deep golden-yellow splotched with a <br> bright green <br> And thirty others ot the most elegant sorts saved Iron ten thousand <br> seedlinps Nothing to compare to them It selection is left to me I make <br> no discrimination because they are all new but all go at the same price 41847002 130961 64578 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/41847002 1899 10 5962/bhl title 64578 Ella V Baines Firm ; Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection NameFound Ampelopsis NameConfirmed Ampelopsis Michx EOLID 59273 NameFound Antigonon NameConfirmed Antigonon Endl EOLID 71428 NameFound Aurea maculatus NameFound Wisteria NameConfirmed Wisteria Nutt EOLID 75921 Biodiversity Heritage Library Miss Ella V Baines the Woman Florist Springfield Ohio The best homes in America plant my flowers why not you Garden Stories Bulbs Plants Catalogs Flowers Plants Ornamental Seed industry and trade Seeds Trade catalogs U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 41847002 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/41847002 bhlGardenStories BHLinbloom bulbs plants plants ornamental u s department of agriculture national agricultural library bhlgardenstories bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-01-28 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/16363338876 2015-08-24 07 51 57 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script The best homes in America |