MAKE A MEME View Large Image The best homes in America plant my flowers, why not you? (15769342003).jpg K~ <br> FUCHS IAS <br> PRICE 8 CENTS EACH ANY FOUR FOR 25 CENTS; ANY NINE FOR 50 CENTS <br> Doable Fuchsia Storm King This grand plant is of the <br> most beauiiiul ...
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Keywords: The best homes in America plant my flowers, why not you? (15769342003).jpg K~ <br> FUCHS IAS <br> PRICE 8 CENTS EACH ANY FOUR FOR 25 CENTS; ANY NINE FOR 50 CENTS <br> Doable Fuchsia Storm King This grand plant is of the <br> most beauiiiul weeping habit '1 he branches drooping as they <br> do lend the plant a charming grace which is rarely iound The <br> buds lor two weeks before they expand are balls of glowing <br> scarlet-crimson The flowers continue to grow larger and <br> larger after they expand The sepals are of the same glowing <br> scariet-enmson as the buds while the larger double corolla is of <br> a delicate waxy whiteness elegantly <br> penciled with a deep and bright crim <br> son <br> Rosaiu's Patrie A splendid white <br> variety in ih stvle of that fine varie- <br> ty Colont I Dominie A wonderfully <br> free bloomer and quite early Tube <br> and sepals rosy-carmine corolla of the <br> purest white <br> General Roberts A remarkable <br> beautitul variety of drooping habiL <br> The blooms are from four to five <br> inches in length borne in large clus- <br> ters single corolla of a rich plum col- <br> or tube ai d sepals crimson <br> Jupiter New One of the pret- <br> tiest of all Fuchsias Large double <br> flowers of a clear magenta with dark <br> crimson veins Don't fail to try it <br> Phenomenal The largest Fuch- <br> sia taut v c have ever seen The tube <br> and sepals a e bright coral-red beau- <br> tifully formed The corolla is nearly <br> two and a half inches across <br> Sapaly Freres Color of sepals a <br> bright corai-red corolla violet and <br> carmine-red One of the most beauti- <br> ful and distinct of the Fuchsias <br> stcrm kivg <br> Black Prince This is without question the very finest <br> Fuchsia grown lor the amateur to cultivate It makes a shapely <br> bush is robust in growth free from disease and insects and is <br> probably the treest In blooming We have seen specimen plants <br> six feet high and four feet across loaded with thousands of <br> its bright buds and blossoms of a beautiful waxy-carmine or pink <br> color <br> Monsieur Thibaut A splendid <br> variety with large liandsome foliage <br> of a delightful green tint The ioliage <br> alone would make it worthy of culti- <br> vation Tne flowers ae single of <br> unusual size sepals dark red corolla <br> rose-vermilion tinted vio et <br> White Giant One of the largest <br> and best whito Fuchsias grown Fine <br> torm very double color a pure white <br> and superior to most of the while <br> Fuchsias We find it to be an excel- <br> lt nt Winter bloomer It gives us <br> pleasure to offer this grand Fuchsia <br> Speciosa Corolla scarlet sepals <br> blu h One of ihe very best blooming <br> varieties for either Summer or Win- <br> ter <br> Monarch This new Fuchsia is by <br> far the largest ot all the single flow- <br> ering varieties It is an exceptionally <br> strong grower bearing immense <br> blooms of a very dark purple It ranks <br> among the singles the same as Phe- <br> nomenal does among the doubles <br> Elm City R'ch crimson sepals <br> corolla large purple The earliest and <br> freest blooming oouble sort out <br> Peperomia Maculosa <br> A LOVELY HOUSE PLANT <br> The leaves are distinctly variegated <br> with white and green and have the ap- <br> pearance of being powdered with frosted <br> silver Price 10 cents each <br> <br> X THE EVERGREEN X <br> BOX TRBE <br> Entirely hardv everywhere For ceme- <br> tery or lawn planting or for edging drive- <br> ways nothing can be compared to this <br> beautiful shrub � only growing about one <br> foot high and as hardy as an oak The <br> demand has been on the increase for this <br> plant Thev are dire'et importations from <br> Europe Price 15 cents each; two for <br> 25 cents or 10 per hundred by ex- <br> press at purchaser's expense <br> PEPEROMIA MACULOSA <br> ABUTILON SOUVENIR DE BONNE <br> Price 20 cents each; any six for 50 cents or the entire set <br> of thirteen for 2 00 <br> New Dahlia Snowball Pure snow-white Dahlia A splen- <br> did bioomer and large flowers resembling giant snowballs <br> Amazement Yellow striped crimson <br> Wacht am Rhein Richest maroon <br> Guiding Star Pure white and of exquisite shape <br> Flora Deep purple shaded lilac <br> Fanny Purchase A fine pure yellow <br> Fascination A deep rosy-lilac <br> Dom Pedro Scarlet tipped white <br> Deutscher Turnergrass Crimson-scarlet edged with <br> white <br> Deutscher Goldmeteor A golden-yelloWj with a broad <br> crimson margin <br> Duchess de Cambridge Blush tipped and edged with dark <br> purple fine form <br> Crimson King Rich glowing crimson <br> Butterfly Orange tipped with scarlet <br> ABUTILONS <br> PRICE 8 CENTS EACH; FOUR FOR 25 CENTS <br> Souvenir de Bonne New One of the most valuable nov- <br> elties ot recent years Totally distinct Strong grower Leaves <br> beautiful green regularly banded with creamy-white bloom <br> very large and bright orange-red in color A beautiful decora- <br> tive plant of fine tree shape <br> Shower of Gold A beautiful dwarf-growing variety the <br> whole plant being covered with a profusion of beautiful golden- <br> yellow blossoms <br> Robert George A free and continuous bloomer Flowers <br> are broad their large over-lapping petals incurved color orange <br> veined with crimson <br> Thompsonii Plena New Perfectly double flowers that <br> resemble in torm a double Hollyhock Color a rich deep orange <br> shaded and streaked with crimson Foliage variegated <br> Scarlet Gem A rich bright scarlet <br> Madame Chobert A very dwarf grower A clear pink <br> shade <br> Snow Storm Pure white flowers and bloom freely Dwarf- <br> Eclipse This Is an elegant foliage plant and one of the <br> prettiest we know 41846980 130961 64578 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/41846980 1899 10 5962/bhl title 64578 Ella V Baines Firm ; Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection NameFound Abutilon NameConfirmed Abutilon hybrid EOLID 71367 NameFound Maculosa NameConfirmed Maculosa NameBankID 5332904 NameFound Peperomia NameConfirmed Peperomia A guadamuz286 EOLID 50439 NameFound Peperomia maculosa NameConfirmed Peperomia maculosa EOLID 596644 NameBankID 2645194 NameFound Speciosa NameConfirmed Speciosa NameBankID 5330982 Biodiversity Heritage Library Miss Ella V Baines the Woman Florist Springfield Ohio The best homes in America plant my flowers why not you Garden Stories Bulbs Plants Catalogs Flowers Plants Ornamental Seed industry and trade Seeds Trade catalogs U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 41846980 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/41846980 bhlGardenStories BHLinbloom bulbs plants plants ornamental u s department of agriculture national agricultural library bhlgardenstories bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-01-28 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/15769342003 2015-08-25 03 51 10 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script The best homes in America The best homes in America plant my flowers, why not you? (15769342003).jpg K~ <br> FUCHS IAS <br> PRICE 8 CENTS EACH ANY FOUR FOR 25 CENTS; ANY NINE FOR 50 CENTS <br> Doable Fuchsia Storm King This grand plant is of the <br> most beauiiiul weeping habit '1 he branches drooping as they <br> do lend the plant a charming grace which is rarely iound The <br> buds lor two weeks before they expand are balls of glowing <br> scarlet-crimson The flowers continue to grow larger and <br> larger after they expand The sepals are of the same glowing <br> scariet-enmson as the buds while the larger double corolla is of <br> a delicate waxy whiteness elegantly <br> penciled with a deep and bright crim <br> son <br> Rosaiu's Patrie A splendid white <br> variety in ih stvle of that fine varie- <br> ty Colont I Dominie A wonderfully <br> free bloomer and quite early Tube <br> and sepals rosy-carmine corolla of the <br> purest white <br> General Roberts A remarkable <br> beautitul variety of drooping habiL <br> The blooms are from four to five <br> inches in length borne in large clus- <br> ters single corolla of a rich plum col- <br> or tube ai d sepals crimson <br> Jupiter New One of the pret- <br> tiest of all Fuchsias Large double <br> flowers of a clear magenta with dark <br> crimson veins Don't fail to try it <br> Phenomenal The largest Fuch- <br> sia taut v c have ever seen The tube <br> and sepals a e bright coral-red beau- <br> tifully formed The corolla is nearly <br> two and a half inches across <br> Sapaly Freres Color of sepals a <br> bright corai-red corolla violet and <br> carmine-red One of the most beauti- <br> ful and distinct of the Fuchsias <br> stcrm kivg <br> Black Prince This is without question the very finest <br> Fuchsia grown lor the amateur to cultivate It makes a shapely <br> bush is robust in growth free from disease and insects and is <br> probably the treest In blooming We have seen specimen plants <br> six feet high and four feet across loaded with thousands of <br> its bright buds and blossoms of a beautiful waxy-carmine or pink <br> color <br> Monsieur Thibaut A splendid <br> variety with large liandsome foliage <br> of a delightful green tint The ioliage <br> alone would make it worthy of culti- <br> vation Tne flowers ae single of <br> unusual size sepals dark red corolla <br> rose-vermilion tinted vio et <br> White Giant One of the largest <br> and best whito Fuchsias grown Fine <br> torm very double color a pure white <br> and superior to most of the while <br> Fuchsias We find it to be an excel- <br> lt nt Winter bloomer It gives us <br> pleasure to offer this grand Fuchsia <br> Speciosa Corolla scarlet sepals <br> blu h One of ihe very best blooming <br> varieties for either Summer or Win- <br> ter <br> Monarch This new Fuchsia is by <br> far the largest ot all the single flow- <br> ering varieties It is an exceptionally <br> strong grower bearing immense <br> blooms of a very dark purple It ranks <br> among the singles the same as Phe- <br> nomenal does among the doubles <br> Elm City R'ch crimson sepals <br> corolla large purple The earliest and <br> freest blooming oouble sort out <br> Peperomia Maculosa <br> A LOVELY HOUSE PLANT <br> The leaves are distinctly variegated <br> with white and green and have the ap- <br> pearance of being powdered with frosted <br> silver Price 10 cents each <br> <br> X THE EVERGREEN X <br> BOX TRBE <br> Entirely hardv everywhere For ceme- <br> tery or lawn planting or for edging drive- <br> ways nothing can be compared to this <br> beautiful shrub � only growing about one <br> foot high and as hardy as an oak The <br> demand has been on the increase for this <br> plant Thev are dire'et importations from <br> Europe Price 15 cents each; two for <br> 25 cents or 10 per hundred by ex- <br> press at purchaser's expense <br> PEPEROMIA MACULOSA <br> ABUTILON SOUVENIR DE BONNE <br> Price 20 cents each; any six for 50 cents or the entire set <br> of thirteen for 2 00 <br> New Dahlia Snowball Pure snow-white Dahlia A splen- <br> did bioomer and large flowers resembling giant snowballs <br> Amazement Yellow striped crimson <br> Wacht am Rhein Richest maroon <br> Guiding Star Pure white and of exquisite shape <br> Flora Deep purple shaded lilac <br> Fanny Purchase A fine pure yellow <br> Fascination A deep rosy-lilac <br> Dom Pedro Scarlet tipped white <br> Deutscher Turnergrass Crimson-scarlet edged with <br> white <br> Deutscher Goldmeteor A golden-yelloWj with a broad <br> crimson margin <br> Duchess de Cambridge Blush tipped and edged with dark <br> purple fine form <br> Crimson King Rich glowing crimson <br> Butterfly Orange tipped with scarlet <br> ABUTILONS <br> PRICE 8 CENTS EACH; FOUR FOR 25 CENTS <br> Souvenir de Bonne New One of the most valuable nov- <br> elties ot recent years Totally distinct Strong grower Leaves <br> beautiful green regularly banded with creamy-white bloom <br> very large and bright orange-red in color A beautiful decora- <br> tive plant of fine tree shape <br> Shower of Gold A beautiful dwarf-growing variety the <br> whole plant being covered with a profusion of beautiful golden- <br> yellow blossoms <br> Robert George A free and continuous bloomer Flowers <br> are broad their large over-lapping petals incurved color orange <br> veined with crimson <br> Thompsonii Plena New Perfectly double flowers that <br> resemble in torm a double Hollyhock Color a rich deep orange <br> shaded and streaked with crimson Foliage variegated <br> Scarlet Gem A rich bright scarlet <br> Madame Chobert A very dwarf grower A clear pink <br> shade <br> Snow Storm Pure white flowers and bloom freely Dwarf- <br> Eclipse This Is an elegant foliage plant and one of the <br> prettiest we know 41846980 130961 64578 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/41846980 1899 10 5962/bhl title 64578 Ella V Baines Firm ; Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection NameFound Abutilon NameConfirmed Abutilon hybrid EOLID 71367 NameFound Maculosa NameConfirmed Maculosa NameBankID 5332904 NameFound Peperomia NameConfirmed Peperomia A guadamuz286 EOLID 50439 NameFound Peperomia maculosa NameConfirmed Peperomia maculosa EOLID 596644 NameBankID 2645194 NameFound Speciosa NameConfirmed Speciosa NameBankID 5330982 Biodiversity Heritage Library Miss Ella V Baines the Woman Florist Springfield Ohio The best homes in America plant my flowers why not you Garden Stories Bulbs Plants Catalogs Flowers Plants Ornamental Seed industry and trade Seeds Trade catalogs U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 41846980 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/41846980 bhlGardenStories BHLinbloom bulbs plants plants ornamental u s department of agriculture national agricultural library bhlgardenstories bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-01-28 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/15769342003 2015-08-25 03 51 10 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script The best homes in America
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