Keywords: The Defense.jpg ru Обложка 1 издания книги В � абокова Защита Лужина 1930 1930 http //www nabokovmuseum org/highslide/images/large/_MG_7483 jpg Rights for logo owned by Слово typography Berlin 1920-1930 PD in Germany both typography owners is Germany citizens http //www domrz ru/ mod static id 870 Germany used collective copyright system so it's not owned by actual logo author PD-old-70 Original upload log page en wikipedia The_Defense_ novel _cover_ Russian jpg 2011-04-14 15 54 43 GrahamHardy 300×439 38406 bytes <nowiki>Replace by 1st edition Russian </nowiki> Uploaded with UploadWizard Book covers from Germany Book covers from Russia 1930 book covers Vladimir Nabokov |