Keywords: The Holy Family by Candlelight (Jacob Jordaens) - Nationalmuseum - 18772.tif Artwork Creator Jacob Jordaens The Holy Family by Candlelight The Holy Family Jordaens ïżœ down-to-earth rendering of the Holy Family embraces the most intimate qualities of Caravaggism The lit candle held by a maidservant is supplemented by the light from the unseen fireplace at which Joseph warms his hands situating the genre-like scene in the heart of winter the season in which Jesus was born Standing upright on Mary ïżœs lap the realistically portrayed Christ Child seeks the viewer ïżœs attention as if beckoning us to approach and join in the adoration With motherly pride Mary presents Jesus The knife in his right hand alludes to the Circumcision the first occasion on which the Redeemer ïżœs blood was shed for our sins intended to encourage meditation on the Passion Details of the iconography are derived from the visions of St Bridget of Sweden who described the newborn Christ Child as the source of a bright supernatural light Jordaens concretises this divine radiance emanating from the body of Jesus ïżœ the light of the world ïżœ as an unusually intense reflected light from the flame of the candle Jordaens vardagliga gestaltning av den Heliga familjen avspeglar caravaggismens mest intima karaktĂ€r Den genreartade scenen utspelar sig pĂ„ vintern tiden för Jesu födelse Det tĂ€nda vaxljuset i tjĂ€nstekvinnans hand kompletteras av en eldstad utanför bildrummet vid vilken Josef vĂ€rmer sina frusna hĂ€nder Det realistiskt skildrade Jesusbarnet stĂ„r i Jungfru Marias knĂ€ Genom blicken söker han kontakt med betraktaren som för att bjuda oss att komma nĂ€rmare och ansluta i tillbedjan Med moderlig stolthet visar Maria upp Jesusbarnet Kniven i Jesusbarnets hand hĂ€nsyftar till omskĂ€relsen det första tillfĂ€llet dĂ„ FrĂ€lsaren utgjuter sitt blod för vĂ„ra synder och uppmanar dĂ€rmed till begrundan av Kristi passion MĂ„lningens ikonografi hĂ€rrör delvis frĂ„n den heliga Birgittas uppenbarelser Hon beskrev det nyfödda Jesusbarnet ïżœ vĂ€rldens ljus ïżœ som kĂ€llan till ett starkt övernaturligt ljus Jordaens konkretiserar hĂ€r den gudomliga strĂ„lglansen i form av det intensiva reflekterade skenet frĂ„n vaxljusets lĂ„ga header Jordaens ïżœ down-to-earth rendering of the Holy Family embraces the most intimate qualities of Caravaggism The lit candle held by a maidservant is supplemented by the light from the unseen fireplace at which Joseph warms his hands situating the genre-like scene in the heart of winter the season in which Jesus was born Standing upright on Mary ïżœs lap the realistically portrayed Christ Child seeks the viewer ïżœs attention as if beckoning us to approach and join in the adoration With motherly pride Mary presents Jesus The knife in his right hand alludes to the Circumcision the first occasion on which the Redeemer ïżœs blood was shed for our sins intended to encourage meditation on the Passion Details of the iconography are derived from the visions of St Bridget of Sweden who described the newborn Christ Child as the source of a bright supernatural light Jordaens concretises this divine radiance emanating from the body of Jesus ïżœ the light of the world ïżœ as an unusually intense reflected light from the flame of the candle Jordaens vardagliga gestaltning av den Heliga familjen avspeglar caravaggismens mest intima karaktĂ€r Den genreartade scenen utspelar sig pĂ„ vintern tiden för Jesu födelse Det tĂ€nda vaxljuset i tjĂ€nstekvinnans hand kompletteras av en eldstad utanför bildrummet vid vilken Josef vĂ€rmer sina frusna hĂ€nder Det realistiskt skildrade Jesusbarnet stĂ„r i Jungfru Marias knĂ€ Genom blicken söker han kontakt med betraktaren som för att bjuda oss att komma nĂ€rmare och ansluta i tillbedjan Med moderlig stolthet visar Maria upp Jesusbarnet Kniven i Jesusbarnets hand hĂ€nsyftar till omskĂ€relsen det första tillfĂ€llet dĂ„ FrĂ€lsaren utgjuter sitt blod för vĂ„ra synder och uppmanar dĂ€rmed till begrundan av Kristi passion MĂ„lningens ikonografi hĂ€rrör delvis frĂ„n den heliga Birgittas uppenbarelser Hon beskrev det nyfödda Jesusbarnet ïżœ vĂ€rldens ljus ïżœ som kĂ€llan till ett starkt övernaturligt ljus Jordaens konkretiserar hĂ€r den gudomliga strĂ„lglansen i form av det intensiva reflekterade skenet frĂ„n vaxljusets lĂ„ga - other date ca 1621 1622 Oil on wood Olja pĂ„ trĂ€ Size cm 92 122 Framed Size cm 120 150 13 Institution Nationalmuseum Stockholm accession number 18772 NM 1768 place of creation Erik Cornelius / Nationalmuseum Nationalmuseum Stockholm cooperation project Licensed-PD-Art PD-old-auto PD-Nationalmuseum_Stockholm 1678 Media contributed by Nationalmuseum Stockholm 2016-10 Paintings in the Nationalmuseum Stockholm Religious paintings by Jacob Jordaens |