Keywords: The Quarterly journal of the Geological Society of London (12960254243).jpg TET7NKS IN QUATEENARY SANDS AT READING <br> 305 <br> slope of which the base was prolonged horizontally under the re- <br> constructed bed as seen in our pit gently rising to the south as it <br> approached the cliff Fig 2 is a section of the probable transitional <br> line with the beds north and south of it Such a line would be <br> reached if the east face were exposed up to the south face The <br> line of junction is dotted in ; for its exact direction can of course <br> only be surmised The irregularity in the junction between the <br> unaltered and reconstructed beds as shown by the latter extending <br> further south at the west side of the pit is only to be expected <br> when it is remembered that the transitional line represents the <br> sinuous margin of a river and any little bay indenting the bank <br> would carry the reconstruction into the concavity <br> The relation of all these beds exposed in the pit to the whole <br> south slope of the river-valley is well seen by ascending the incline <br> to the limits of the Eedlands estate south The arrangement is <br> shown in a diagram in fig 3 ; and the outcrop of the beds there <br> Fig 3 � Diagrammatic Section of South Bank of River-valley <br> Slope greatly exaggerated rise 79 feet in about 1 mile <br> N S <br> Reconstructed � <br> Claya Sands <br> River River <br> Thames Kennet <br> a Alluvial plain <br> b River-graTel <br> c High-level gravel <br> d Basement beds of London- <br> clay <br> e Mottled clays <br> / Buff sands I Woolwich and <br> g Leaf-beds I Beading Series <br> h Greeu flints J <br> i Chalk <br> drawn can be verified quite satisfactorily The gravel-bed A in <br> fig 1 is seen to belong to the general system of the river-gravels <br> South of the pit ascending the slope these gravels thin off and <br> leave the mottled clay exposed at the surface ; higher up these beds <br> are covered by the basement beds of the London Clay which were <br> well exposed in digging the foundation of a house near the top of <br> the slope The basement beds are again capped at the summit <br> 79 feet above the river by the entirely unstratified unfossiliferous <br> high-level gravels consisting of a large proportion of rounded quart- <br> zite masses and subangular flints <br> Thus the south slope of the river-valley at the Eedlands estate <br> affords a very perfect example of a typical valley-slope and in ad- <br> dition presents the more exceptional aj pearances of the reconstruc- <br> tion of the Tertiary beds by fluviatile agency in such a manner that <br> the easily removable elements of the latter remain though altered <br> in structure and intermixed with the organic and inorganic remains <br> of very different ages and widely diverse conditions And the sec- 36090664 111264 51125 Page 305 Text 36 http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/36090664 1880 Geological Society of London Biodiversity Heritage Library The Quarterly journal of the Geological Society of London v 36 1880 Geology Periodicals Smithsonian Libraries bhl page 36090664 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/36090664 smithsonian libraries Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2014-03-06 Check categories 2015 August 26 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/12960254243 2015-08-26 15 51 07 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 The Quarterly journal of the Geological Society of London 1880 Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script |