Keywords: The Quarterly journal of the Geological Society of London (12736763604).jpg IN THE NORTH-EASTEBN CARPATHIANS <br> 677 <br> come Lydian stone quartzite and some mica-schists Some speci- <br> mens of reddish trap-tuff were also observed Some of the trap <br> boulders reach a considerable size one block weighing upwards of <br> half a ton ; this however is exceptional Many of the stones <br> measure from one to two feet across None of these are angular ; <br> they resemble in general form the blunted and smoothed stones <br> of Scotch till It must be observed that stones on which strife can <br> be recognized are not abundant ; but those rocks which were capable <br> of retaining the ice-markings still show them more or less perfectly <br> conspicuous amongst these being the smaller Lydian stones and <br> quartzites There can be little doubt that this deposit is identical <br> with the ordinary Boulder- clay of well-glaciated regions ; while the <br> lenticular patch of gravel is but the counterpart of similar thin <br> layers in the till of our own country This deposit appears to slope <br> gently up towards the near wooded hills of the Flysch-beds lying <br> to the south When traced in this direction it is found to be over- <br> lain by stratified blue clay containing only a few stones which the <br> Wallachs manufacture into bricks to serve as building-material for <br> their rude huts The following section fig 1 shows the relation <br> of the various deposits <br> Fig 1 � Section in a line north and south through Kabalapatak <br> a Stiff stony Boulder-clay <br> b Fine blue clay <br> c Soft sandstones and shales Flysch- <br> beds <br> d Railway-cutting <br> The section measures about half a mile <br> On the west bank of the above-mentioned stream which joins <br> the Theiss at Kabalapatak the Flysch-beds are exposed They <br> consist of very soft thin-bedded sandstones on the top of which rest <br> fine blue clays and shales The same beds are seen in the Theiss <br> between Salzkammer and Fejeregyhaza dipping to the north of east <br> at an angle of about 35° and capped by about 5 feet of alluvial <br> gravel Further up the river near Bocsko Lonka the same dip is <br> indicated by the general direction of the escarpments on the slopes <br> of the near hill-range <br> On the right bank of the river from Szlatina to a point east of <br> Salzkammer a long terrace-shaped bank is traceable which we <br> found to consist of alternating beds of sand and coarse gravel <br> These are quite horizontal ; and no indication of false-bedding was <br> visible This bank is from 20-30 feet above the modern alluvium <br> and is probably an old river-terrace At Karacsonfalu which is <br> Q J G S No 132 2y 35818854 110705 51125 Page 677 Text 33 http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/35818854 1877 Geological Society of London NameFound None NameConfirmed None EOLID 2913255 NameFound Szlatina Biodiversity Heritage Library The Quarterly journal of the Geological Society of London v 33 1877 Geology Periodicals Smithsonian Libraries bhl page 35818854 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/35818854 smithsonian libraries Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2014-02-24 Check categories 2015 August 26 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/12736763604 2015-08-26 19 57 39 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 The Quarterly journal of the Geological Society of London 1877 Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script |