MAKE A MEME View Large Image The Quarterly journal of the Geological Society of London (13889804597).jpg 272 CAPI p W HUTTON Olf THE GEOLOGICAL POSITION <br> limestone upon which they rest and the unconformity therefore is <br> not due to local causes but is the result ...
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Keywords: The Quarterly journal of the Geological Society of London (13889804597).jpg 272 CAPI p W HUTTON Olf THE GEOLOGICAL POSITION <br> limestone upon which they rest and the unconformity therefore is <br> not due to local causes but is the result of a general denudation <br> Amuri � Here we get another section showing the Amuri lime- <br> stone covered by the Grey Marl fig 5 Dr von Haast thinks that <br> Pig 5 � Section through Amuri South Bluff <br> Distance one mile <br> 5 3 1 <br> For explanation see fig 1 <br> the Grrey Marl called Leda-beds has at the South Bluff been <br> deposited in sequence on the Amuri limestone ; but he makes a <br> difference in the dip of the two rocks For 'in his section he shows <br> the limestone dipping E 70° and on p 38 of his report he says <br> that the Grey Marl dips S E 48° to 22° At the same locality I <br> found like Dr von Haast that the Amuri limestone dipped E 70° <br> and that the Grey Marl in contact with it dipped E S E 45° <br> gradually changing to S E 15°; thus indicating an unconformity <br> although the actual junction of the two rocks was not seen <br> According to Mr M'Kay a bed of green-sand conglomerate <br> comes between the Amuri limestone and the Grey Marl which he <br> supposes to represent the Weka-pass Stone t He has no doubt <br> that all are conformable and belong to one system but he makes <br> the Amuri limestone to dip E S E 45° J and the Grey Marl to dip <br> S E 45° to 15° He also shows that the Amuri limestone thins out <br> in a distance of about a mile from 630 feet at South Bluff to 330 <br> feet at Amuri Bluff while the underlying beds belonging to the <br> Waipara System retain their thickness or even get thicker § In <br> a bed of argillaceous limestone with flints which extends from the <br> Waipara to Cape Campbell this rapid local thinning in the middle <br> of its length looks much like the result of denudation <br> o fossils had been described from the Grey Marl at this locality <br> when I wrote my report and I placed it in the Pareora System <br> Miocene because the rocks in the Conway were supposed to be of <br> that age Since then Dr Hector has found Pecten Zittelli and other <br> fossils in it which would make it probably the same bed as the <br> Grey Marl of the Weka Pass <br> ' Geological Reports ' 1870-71 p 37 <br> t This is the Pucoidal limestone of Dr Hector Geol Eeports 1873-74 <br> p xi which he places below Weka-pass Stone Geol Eeports 1877-78 p 192 <br> Mr M'Kay obtained bones of 'Palceeudyptes antarcticus Huxley from it <br> \ Judging from this dip Mr M'Kay appears to consider as Amuri Hme- <br> stone the same beds that I consider to be Grey Marl ; and this may account for <br> his statement that Pecten Zittelli occurs in the former rock <br> § ' Geological Eeports ' 1874-76 p 178 37047128 114009 51125 Page 272 Text 41 http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/37047128 1885 Geological Society of London NameFound Palceeudyptes antarcticus NameConfirmed Palaeeudyptes antarcticus Huxley 1859 EOLID 4373451 NameFound Pareora NameConfirmed Pareora EOLID 4877786 NameBankID 4284046 NameFound Pecten NameConfirmed Pecten EOLID 10719936 NameBankID 2692292 Biodiversity Heritage Library The Quarterly journal of the Geological Society of London v 41 1885 Geology Periodicals Smithsonian Libraries bhl page 37047128 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/37047128 smithsonian libraries Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2014-04-30 Check categories 2015 August 26 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/13889804597 2015-08-26 04 53 35 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 The Quarterly journal of the Geological Society of London 1885 Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script
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