Keywords: The Quarterly journal of the Geological Society of London (12684663254).jpg 206 PROCEEDINGS OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY Mar 24 <br> Leptsena sericea ; plentiful Trenton <br> deltoidea ; very abundant � <br> alternata � <br> Orthis testudinaria striatula � <br> lynx � <br> pectinella � <br> bellarugosa � <br> disparilis � <br> Echino-encrinites anatiformis ; plentiful � <br> Glyptocrinus decadactylus � <br> Calymene senaria � <br> Isotelus gigas � <br> Atrypa plena Cbazy <br> Encrinurus with punctured cheeks <br> Raphistoma two undescribed species found also at Poquettes <br> Rapid Allumettes Island <br> Atrypa allied to A extans <br> or Rhynconella allied to A navicula but with a sinus in <br> the front of the larger valve <br> Fenestella Lingula Bellerophon Orthoceras <br> The fifth new locaHty in which the foot-prints occur is on the <br> Riviere du Nord in the Seignory of Argenteuil along which river the <br> sandstone again crops out and runs in a W S W direction almost in <br> a line with the Valley of the Ottawa see Map Sect 3 i and fig 3 The <br> Fig 3 � Section across the Riviere du Nord in the Seignory of Argenteuil <br> Section No 3 on the Map <br> Distance about 5 miles <br> Gneiss interstratified with limestone and traversed by dykes of trap and granite <br> Potsdam Sandstone with the Track-bed c Calciferous Sand-rock <br> dip of the strata is here a little more decided than we have yet had it <br> the inclination heing south at an angle of ahout 4° ; and in the space <br> of a mile and a quarter the stratigraphical relations of the rocks <br> can be well made out We have first the gneiss and its interstrati- <br> fied limestone ; then the sandstone not seen in actual contact with <br> it but forming an escarpment of between 30 and 40 feet in height <br> between which and the gneiss there is a flat sandy valley varying in <br> breadth from one quarter to half a mile in which the stream winds <br> its course The sandstone has been traced thirteen miles consecu- <br> tively to the eastward and is known far beyond ; and where a trans- <br> verse section was measured the track-bed occurs at the top of the <br> escarpment at a height of probably 100 or 200 feet over the gneiss <br> South of the outcrop of the track-bed about 330 yards over a flat 35461214 109911 51125 Page 206 Text v 8 http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/35461214 1852 Geological Society of London NameFound Atrypa NameConfirmed Atrypa NameBankID 4083726 NameFound Atrypa extans NameConfirmed Atrypa expansa NameFound Atrypa navicula NameConfirmed Atrypa navicula Barrande NameFound Atrypa plena NameConfirmed Atrypa plana NameBankID 7057455 NameFound Bellerophon NameConfirmed Bellerophon EOLID 4937829 NameBankID 4089230 NameFound Calymene senaria NameConfirmed Calymene senaria NameFound Echino-encrinites anatiformis NameConfirmed Echinoencrinites anatiformis Hall 1847 NameFound Encrinurus NameConfirmed Encrinurus EOLID 4322767 NameBankID 2875682 NameFound Fenestella NameConfirmed Fenestella EOLID 13185859 NameBankID 234914 NameFound Glyptocrinus decadactylus NameConfirmed Glyptocrinus decadactylus NameFound Isotelus gigas NameConfirmed Isotelus gigas EOLID 4324803 NameBankID 6399641 NameFound Leptsena sericea NameConfirmed Litsea sericea EOLID 2886421 NameBankID 3479838 NameFound Lingula NameConfirmed Lingula EOLID 11118945 NameBankID 2765654 NameFound Orthis NameConfirmed Orthis EOLID 4333134 NameBankID 4270859 NameFound Orthoceras NameConfirmed Orthoceras EOLID 30106 NameBankID 1861424 NameFound Raphistoma NameConfirmed Raphistoma NameBankID 4325297 NameFound Rhynconella NameConfirmed Rhynconella NameBankID 4331074 Biodiversity Heritage Library The Quarterly journal of the Geological Society of London v 8 1852 Geology Periodicals Smithsonian Libraries bhl page 35461214 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/35461214 smithsonian libraries Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2014-02-21 Check categories 2015 August 26 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/12684663254 2015-08-27 12 57 26 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 The Quarterly journal of the Geological Society of London 1852 Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script |