Keywords: The Quarterly journal of the Geological Society of London (12682957415).jpg 1856 <br> TAYLER CRYOLITE <br> 141 <br> it is a semicircular space <br> f <br> of rather low <br> �to <br> o <br> o <br> � r-l <br> «K <br> <br> ii <br> s Sg <br> n3 <br> o <br> bo <br> si U <br> o <br> I <br> �r; n <br> <br> A <br> u «s <br> '« i <br> en o <br> J I � I <br> 03 <br> O <br> �I is <br> s o <br> �IS <br> «» 2 <br> 2 S <br> irregular ground surrounded <br> by a ridge of mountains <br> rising abruptly to the height <br> of about 2000 feet ; making <br> the enclosed space appear the <br> half of a deep basin about <br> two miles in diameter <br> Evigtok is noted in Green- <br> land for its abundance of <br> fish in the summer season ; <br> shoals of capelins blacken <br> the small bays whilst thou- <br> sands of codfish swim close <br> to the shore in pursuit of <br> them both of which are <br> taken by the natives in large <br> quantities At the foot of <br> the mountains and on their <br> sides are to be found many <br> grouse hares and arctic <br> foxes In the winter season <br> immense flocks of eider <br> ducks and other water-fowl <br> resort to this part of the <br> Fiord Vegetation such as <br> it is in Greenland also pros- <br> pers here a miniature forest <br> oiSalix Arctica about 4 feet <br> high covers about a square <br> mile and the Angelica <br> Rumex Taraxacum Poten- <br> tilla and other plants are <br> met with more abundantly <br> than is general in Green- <br> land; the spot appearing <br> like a garden amidst the <br> general barrenness of a land <br> buried deep in snow nine <br> months out of the twelve <br> But Evigtok is more remark- <br> able as being the only place <br> in the world in which the <br> mineral cryolite has hitherto <br> been found <br> By reference to the hori- <br> zontal section fig 1 two <br> trap-veins will be seen bound- <br> ing a space containing the <br> cryolite and the minerals <br> accompanying it To this <br> VOL XII � PART I 35338578 109655 51125 Page 141 Text v 12 http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/35338578 1856 Geological Society of London NameFound Arctica NameConfirmed Arctica EOLID 62819 NameBankID 2693549 NameFound Rumex NameConfirmed Rumex EOLID 38064 NameBankID 2647059 NameFound Taraxacum NameConfirmed Taraxacum EOLID 49106 NameBankID 2657713 Biodiversity Heritage Library The Quarterly journal of the Geological Society of London v 12 1856 Geology Periodicals Smithsonian Libraries bhl page 35338578 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/35338578 smithsonian libraries Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2014-02-21 Check categories 2015 August 26 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/12682957415 2015-08-27 11 50 54 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 The Quarterly journal of the Geological Society of London 1856 Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script |