Keywords: The Quarterly journal of the Geological Society of London (12645897753).jpg 1863 <br> DAY LIAS OF DORSETSHIRE <br> 281 <br> d the Belemnite-stone by which they are capped Above this <br> stone there are some 15 or 20 feet more of grey marl c upon <br> which rests the base of the Cretaceons Series <br> Fig 1 � Vertical Section of the Middle Lias at Black Ven <br> feet <br> a Greensand chert and Drift about 230 <br> b Green Ammonite-nodules <br> c Grey marl 20 <br> d The Belemnite -stone <br> e The Belemnite-shale <br> / Grey marl 1G to 20 <br> g Impure limestones in uncertain and ir- <br> regular beds formed by the induration of <br> the light-coloured calcareous marls 14 to 18 <br> h Blue marl containing Belemnites longis- <br> simus Miller 32 <br> i Limestone and marl with Belemnifes <br> 1c Limestone and marl with Ammonites <br> raricostatus <br> I Lower Lias about 180 <br> The Lias thus terminates in Black Ven at a height of about 270 <br> feet above the sea The road from Lyme to Charmouth where it <br> passes through the east Cuts is about 70 feet above the highest <br> of the Lias Prom this point the beds are somewhat steeply denuded <br> towards the valley of the Char so that we soon lose the Middle Lias <br> The Lower Lias beds dip gently in the same direction that is to- <br> wards the east ; and at the mouth of the river we find a fault which <br> throws them down some 50 feet more in the same direction <br> 2 Stonebarrow Hill and Westhay Cliff � The base of the Middle <br> Lias is met with in Stonebarrow Hill at the height of about 80 feet <br> above the sea m fig 2 and the Belemnite-stone g at about <br> 80 feet above that again At 16 feet over the Belemnite-stone we <br> find the first layer of the Green Ammonite-beds e � thus termed <br> by collectors from the green tint of the calc-spar that fills the cham- <br> bers of the Ammonites laticostatus Sow the characteristic fossil <br> Several layers of these limestone-nodules occur in the next 16 or <br> 20 feet Some of the layers are more persistent than others and all <br> are not equally fossiliferous <br> Above these nodules the marls continue of the same character <br> as in the upper part of the last section fig 1 for 75 feet more d 35328246 109632 51125 Page 281 Text v 19 http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/35328246 1863 Geological Society of London NameFound Ammonites laticostatus NameConfirmed Ammonites latisulcatus Quenstedt 1883 NameBankID 5470803 NameFound Ammonites raricostatus NameConfirmed Ammonites raricostatus Zieton 1831 NameFound Belemnites longis simus NameConfirmed Belemnites EOLID 4780330 NameBankID 4089090 Biodiversity Heritage Library The Quarterly journal of the Geological Society of London v 19 1863 Geology Periodicals Smithsonian Libraries bhl page 35328246 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/35328246 smithsonian libraries Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2014-02-20 Check categories 2015 August 26 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/12645897753 2015-08-27 11 50 59 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 The Quarterly journal of the Geological Society of London 1863 Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script |