Keywords: The Quarterly journal of the Geological Society of London (12645311573).jpg of Remains of Fossil Reptiles from the Greensand <br> Formation ofi MV Jersey By Prof Owen F R S F G S c <br> See an Abstract of this Paper p 380 <br> 2 Palichthyologic Notes No 2 � On the Affinities of the Genus <br> Platysomus By Sir Philip Grey Egerton Bart M P <br> F R S <br> Some of the earliest writers on Palaeontology were acquainted with <br> the Petrified Fishes not uncommonly found in the Kupferschiefer of <br> Mansfeld and its vicinity on which Agassiz established his genus <br> Platysomus Figures are given of these fishes under the name of <br> Rhombus diluvianus major and minor by Wolfart Scheuchzer f <br> Knorr and Walch X and others More recently De Blainville and <br> Germar have described them assigning them in consequence of their <br> deep and flattened forms to the genus Stromateus Agassiz satis- <br> fied himself that this determination founded on outward characters <br> unaccompanied by structural coincidences could not stand ; at the <br> same time the unusual combination of this form of body with a hete- <br> rocerqual tail and other anatomical peculiarities evidently raised <br> doubts in his mind as to the true position and affinities of the genus <br> Mr King of Newcastle-on-Tyne has recently submitted to me a speci- <br> men of Platysomus macrurus from the magnesian limestone of Ferry <br> Hill which clears up the obscurity that has hitherto enveloped the <br> subject and proves from <br> the characters of the denti- S' <br> tion that this genus should <br> be removed from the Lepi- <br> doidei to the Pycnodonti <br> The dentary portion of the <br> lower jaw as shown by this <br> specimen fig 1 is a dense <br> triangular bone very similar <br> to thePycnodont jaws found <br> atStonesfield and elsewhere <br> Two rows of teeth are seen <br> the outer one composed of <br> eight or nine small tritores <br> the inner one containing five <br> considerably larger than the <br> outer ones The teeth are all clavate in form The crown is cir- <br> cular slightly flattened on the grinding surface and mounted on a <br> pedestal of smaller diameter Immediately beneath the crown is a <br> deep constriction beyond which the enamelloid coating of the tooth <br> Wolfart Peter Historia naturalis Hassiae inferioris pars i tabs 13 14 <br> t Scheuchzer Piscium Querelre tab 4 <br> X Knorr and Walch vol i pi 20 <br> § Nouv Diet d'Histoire Nat vol xxviii p 18 <br> 11 Poiss Foss vol ii part 1 p 161 \ Ibid p 162 35268979 109512 51125 Page 329 Text v 5 http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/35268979 1849 Geological Society of London NameFound Hassiae inferioris pars NameFound Historia naturalis NameFound Piscium NameFound Platysomus NameConfirmed Platysomus EOLID 4603513 NameBankID 178222 NameFound Platysomus macrurus NameConfirmed Platysomus macrurus NameFound Rhombus diluvianus major NameFound Stromateus NameConfirmed Stromateus EOLID 11041319 NameBankID 117936 Biodiversity Heritage Library The Quarterly journal of the Geological Society of London v 5 1849 Geology Periodicals Smithsonian Libraries bhl page 35268979 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/35268979 smithsonian libraries Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2014-02-20 Check categories 2015 August 26 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/12645311573 2015-08-27 10 52 56 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 The Quarterly journal of the Geological Society of London 1849 Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script |