MAKE A MEME View Large Image The Quarterly journal of the Geological Society of London (12645499354).jpg 184 <br> PROCEEDINGS OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY DeC 13 <br> E by S <br> stone and marble of grey yellowish and occasionally pink colours <br> which at Untersberg ...
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Keywords: The Quarterly journal of the Geological Society of London (12645499354).jpg 184 <br> PROCEEDINGS OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY DeC 13 <br> E by S <br> stone and marble of grey yellowish and occasionally pink colours <br> which at Untersberg near Salzburg around the valley of Gosau and <br> at numerous other places plunges under strata of impure limestone <br> marl and sandstone charged with fossils of the gault and chalk In <br> the western parts of Savoy however it is more clearly divisible into <br> three zones than at the city of Neufchatel itself and the diagram of <br> the Montague du Chat already given explains the fact see fig 3 <br> In another section west of Chambery which I made in company <br> with the Canon Chamousset the order of the strata is exhibited in <br> this diagram fig 5 The lowest rocks visible are the Oxfordian <br> T - W by N <br> Fig 5 <br> Tertiary <br> r b <br> Cretaceous � a <br> i a <br> 1 2 <br> Marine molasse <br> Freshwater limestone and conglomerate <br> Upper Neocomian Chama ammonia <br> Bliddle Neocomian Spatangus retusus <br> JiOwer Neocomian Oyster bands <br> Oxfordian Jura and coral rag limestone <br> limestones and shale and the coralline limestone before adverted to <br> Nos 1 and 2 which constitute the uppermost Jurassic band of this <br> region On this reposes the lowest neocomian « which is a hard <br> siliceous limestone with small sharp-plaited Ostrese a small Terebra- <br> tula Nerinaea c The middle neocomian a consists of alterna- <br> tions of bluish grey marly limestone and bands of green-grained calc <br> grit and beds of chert and in this band most of the fossils occur in- <br> cluding the very characteristic form Spatangus retusus The upper <br> division b is a whitish limestone often in a state of marble which <br> in Savoy contains both Hippurites and the Chama Caprotina am- <br> monia D'Orb <br> For the most part however in its prolongation along the flanks of <br> the Savoy and particularly in the Swiss Alps the neocomian is divi- <br> sible into two great subformations only ; the lower being dark- <br> coloured and marked by the Gryphcea Couloni Leym Rhynconella <br> Terebratida depressa D'Orb and Spatangus retusus Lamk <br> Spatangus-kalk Studer and the upper being a light-coloured hme- <br> stone containing the Caprotina ammonia the Schratten-kalk of <br> Escher is a sure and excellent horizon throughout the greater part <br> of the Alpsf <br> Cretaceous Greensand or Gault of the Alps Turriliten-Etagef <br> Escher � The largely exposed neocomian limestone of the Savoy Alps <br> supports as above stated in various escarpments a thin zone of <br> dark-coloured marly limestone occasionally freckled with grains of <br> chlorite and abounding in fossils In a collection made by my <br> guide Auguste Balmat of Chamonix at the Montague des Fis Pro- <br> fessor Pictet of Geneva recognized Ammonites cristatus De Luc ; A <br> Hugardianus D'Orb ; A Mayorianus D'Orb ; A injlatus Sow ; <br> t It is worthy of note that this upper band as distinguished by the Caprotina <br> ammonia is absent at Neufchatel as well as the lower part of the formation 35268828 109512 51125 Page 184 Text v 5 http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/35268828 1849 Geological Society of London NameFound terebratida depressa NameFound A injlatus NameFound Ammonites cristatus NameConfirmed Ammonites cristatus NameBankID 6487241 NameFound Caprotina NameConfirmed Caprotina NameBankID 4103255 NameFound Caprotina ammonia NameFound Chama NameConfirmed Chama EOLID 10720381 NameBankID 2693785 NameFound Chama ammonia NameFound Hippurites NameConfirmed Hippurites EOLID 4773611 NameBankID 4195877 NameFound Hugardianus NameFound Nerinaea NameConfirmed Nerinaea NameBankID 4257357 NameFound Rhynconella NameConfirmed Rhynconella NameBankID 4331074 NameFound Spatangus retusus NameFound Terebra tula Biodiversity Heritage Library The Quarterly journal of the Geological Society of London v 5 1849 Geology Periodicals Smithsonian Libraries smithsonian libraries Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2014-02-20 Check categories 2015 August 26 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/12645499354 2015-08-27 10 51 56 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 The Quarterly journal of the Geological Society of London 1849 Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script
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