Keywords: The Quarterly journal of the Geological Society of London (13860081495).jpg PROF C LAPWORTH ON THE GIRVAN SUCCESSION 641 <br> tint of their unweathered interior In spite of their forbidding <br> aspect they contain many fragments of well-marked fossils princi- <br> pally Strophomena grandis Atrypa reticularis A hemisphairica <br> Dictyonema <br> 3 Woodland Point � The line of reefs formed by these Saugh-Hill <br> strata is broken beyond the boss of Craigskelly by the wide opening <br> of Shalloch Bay Near the centre of this bay however a similar <br> band of hard yellow gritstones rises again into view forming the <br> two small islands of the Scart rocks which are isolated from the <br> shore even at lowest tides At the succeeding headland of Wood- <br> land Point the band comes for the last time upon the shore-line <br> and we are here presented with the most fossiliferous exposure of <br> the Lower Saugh-Hill strata in the Girvan region <br> Fig 27 � Section of the Strata at Woodland Point <br> S E « N W <br> Mr o odLx d a y <br> Newlands Series � <br> Scart grits Saugh-Hill beds <br> �� b Thick -bedded pale-hearted gritstones with occasional flags <br> a Quartz conglomerate and pebble-beds <br> Woodland beds <br> y Thin-bedded soft shales and raudstones with carbonaceous <br> seam 8 Monograptus leptotheca Climacograptus normalis c <br> Orthoceras Encrinurus Atryjja <br> 5 Calcareous flagstones Woodland or Lower Pentamerus-lime- <br> stone crowded with Stricklandinia lens Pentamervs oblongus <br> Strophomena grandis c <br> a Calcareous flags and shales with few fossils <br> B Ardmillan Series � Barren Flagstones <br> / Faults <br> The headland itself is composed of a long reef of gritstone which <br> at low water is united to the main shore-line by a sandy beach but <br> at high water forms a rugged island of the type of Craigskelly The <br> above section fig 27 affords a general idea of the disposition of the <br> strata at this interesting locality <br> The main body of the reef is formed of a series of yellow- <br> weathering gritstones 6 in beds varying from 2 to 4 feet in thick- <br> ness They are pale-hearted and very intractable under the hammer ; <br> but the matrix is not coarser than that of the average gritstones of <br> Saugh Hill and Penwhapple The breadth of the reef occupied by <br> these massive gritstones cannot be less than 100 feet; but the beds <br> through varying but little from the perpendicular afford indications 36936470 113692 51125 Page 641 Text 38 http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/36936470 1882 Geological Society of London NameFound Atrypa reticularis NameConfirmed Atrypa reticularis NameBankID 5482332 NameFound Climacograptus normalis NameConfirmed Climacograptus normalis NameBankID 6638690 NameFound Dictyonema NameConfirmed Dictyonema EOLID 19284 NameBankID 2561251 NameFound Encrinurus NameConfirmed Encrinurus EOLID 4322767 NameBankID 2875682 NameFound Monograptus leptotheca NameConfirmed Monograptus leptotheca NameFound Orthoceras NameConfirmed Orthoceras EOLID 30106 NameBankID 1861424 NameFound Stricklandinia NameConfirmed Stricklandinia NameBankID 4355977 NameFound Strophomena grandis NameConfirmed Strophomena grandis Biodiversity Heritage Library The Quarterly journal of the Geological Society of London v 38 1882 Geology Periodicals Smithsonian Libraries bhl page 36936470 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/36936470 smithsonian libraries Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2014-04-15 Check categories 2015 August 26 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/13860081495 2015-08-26 07 57 19 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 The Quarterly journal of the Geological Society of London 1882 Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script |