Keywords: The Quarterly journal of the Geological Society of London (13860017713).jpg PROF C LAP WORTH ON THE GIRVAN SUCCESSION 565 <br> great quarry at Minuntion last noticed eastward as far as the <br> summit of the Mull of Milljoan this conglomerate is exposed in <br> every stream that has laid bare the strata below the grassy covering <br> of the hill- tops It varies much in colour from black through dark <br> green and yellow and even purple ; but we find few traces of an <br> approach either in colour composition or texture to the beautifully <br> marbled basal conglomerate of Kirkland and the Stinchar <br> Throughout much of this extended area the Benan Conglomerate <br> dips at very low angles and is even occasionally perfectly flat <br> indeed in the higher parts of the area especially along the central <br> ridge this may be said to be the normal position of the rock <br> As we approach the exposures of the calcareous series on the <br> opposite sides of the ridge the angle of inclination of the con- <br> glomerate increases irregularly to an average of about 45° Along <br> the typical Minuntion and Auchensoul line as we have shown <br> this dip is universally to the northivard In the line of exposures <br> between Dupin and Brockloch which we have next to notice the <br> dip is in the opposite direction or to the southward This renders <br> it highly probable even at this early stage of our inquiry that the <br> Benan-HiU Conglomerate of this area will be found to be arranged <br> in a synclinal form and that the calcareous rocks which rise out <br> from below it to the northward in the valley of the Assel will prove <br> identical with those of our typical calcareous series of Minuntion and <br> the Stinchar <br> 1 Dupin � The first series of these exposures of calcareous beds <br> is disposed in a broken line stretching from the Barr road near the <br> foot of Pinjerrach Hill down the southern slope of the valley of the <br> Assel to Daldowie and thence across the river-valley into the woods <br> of Letterpin and Pinmore The most satisfactory of the exposures <br> Eig 3 � Section of the Strata of Dupin Linn <br> S V ft W W <br> Ac Green Conglomerate of Benan Hill <br> Stinchar limestone group � <br> Ab 3 Flaggy Limestones ; fossils rare <br> Ab 2 Impure Limestones with Maclurea <br> Ab 1 Nodular calcareous beds with Orthis confirm Strophor <br> UIcbhus c <br> Kirkland Beds � <br> Aa 2 Purple and grey sandy beds much shattered <br> Aa\ Purple and green Conglomerate broken and faulted 36936394 113692 51125 Page 565 Text 38 http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/36936394 1882 Geological Society of London NameFound Maclurea NameConfirmed Maclurea NameBankID 4228756 NameFound Orthis NameConfirmed Orthis EOLID 4333134 NameBankID 4270859 Biodiversity Heritage Library The Quarterly journal of the Geological Society of London v 38 1882 Geology Periodicals Smithsonian Libraries bhl page 36936394 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/36936394 smithsonian libraries Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2014-04-15 Check categories 2015 August 26 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/13860017713 2015-08-26 07 57 26 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 The Quarterly journal of the Geological Society of London 1882 Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script |