MAKE A MEME View Large Image The Quarterly journal of the Geological Society of London (13206085213).jpg 1847 VICARY ON THE GEOLOGICAL STRUCTURE OF SINDE 347 <br> 45° ; beneath this there are clay beds and sandstones with which the <br> conglomerate often alternates ...
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Keywords: The Quarterly journal of the Geological Society of London (13206085213).jpg 1847 VICARY ON THE GEOLOGICAL STRUCTURE OF SINDE 347 <br> 45° ; beneath this there are clay beds and sandstones with which the <br> conglomerate often alternates This range holding the same cha- <br> racter extends north and south of the Gauj river as far as my eye <br> could reach ; in some places it attains an elevation of from 600 to <br> 800 feet above the plain From its base to six and in some places <br> eight miles the broken-up conglomerate has been spread out and <br> exhibits all the characters of an ancient beach <br> Fig 5 <br> West <br> Raja Derah <br> Talus of three and a half miles to Raja EJerah <br> The valley of the Gauj at first is narrow being little more than <br> sixty yards in breadth; further on it widens to near a mile and <br> again contracts thus forming a basin this place was overgrown with <br> Tamarisk and Acacia trees in which I found wild pigs most abundant <br> The section at page 344 taken from Gaza-Peer to the crest of the Hala <br> Range sufficiently explains the relative position of the beds at this <br> place excepting the local modern tufa which is not found here <br> Following the course of the Gauj I passed through the conglo- <br> merate ranges and at 3 miles came upon a cliff with a western <br> escarpment about 400 feet in height and based on the Kurrachee <br> non-nummulitic rock No 6 This is on the left bank of the river <br> I found here fossil bones in vast abundance ; the bones as usual <br> much broken were at this point chiefly those of the Crocodile I <br> have remarked that the bone-beds wherever the fossils abound are <br> of a deep rubiginous tint The fossils also partake of the same co- <br> lour and as they strongly resemble the bones procured in such <br> abundance at Nahn I am not without a hope that they will establish <br> a connexion between the conglomerate and sandstone Sewalik for- <br> mations flanking the base of the Himalaya and the conglomerate sand- <br> stones and bone-beds of Sinde The cliff above-noted is crowned with <br> sandstone about 150 feet in thickness ; beneath this there is a bone- <br> bed of the usual colour about 60 feet in thickness ; next descend- <br> ing comes a sandstone-bed about the same thickness and containing <br> some bones ; then a bed of clays of various colours penetrated with <br> veins of gypsum about 80 feet in thickness ; then the lower bone- <br> beds of the usual rusty colour ; beneath this marly clays containing <br> Turritellee and a small bivalve in vast numbers ; broken pieces of <br> Placuna were also abundant From this I crossed to the right bank <br> of the Gauj and came upon the same formation which is prolonged <br> in a southerly direction as far as I could see The cliff is not so <br> high here as on the northern side of the river to the course of which <br> it stands at a right angle It is mural towards the west and I <br> ascended it with much difficulty The lowest visible rock here is <br> sandstone upon which a bed of the rust-coloured rock rests dipping <br> at from 35° to 40° to the east and showing a strong contrast in <br> colour to the sandstone beneath In it I found bones most abundant <br> VOL III � PART I 2 B 36933106 113687 51125 Page 347 Text v 3 http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/36933106 1847 Geological Society of London NameFound Acacia NameConfirmed Acacia o'shanesii F Muell Maiden EOLID 643936 NameFound Hala NameConfirmed Hala EOLID 113195 NameBankID 4551297 NameFound Himalaya NameConfirmed Himalaya NameBankID 4552760 NameFound Placuna NameConfirmed Placuna EOLID 3049084 NameBankID 4299121 Biodiversity Heritage Library The Quarterly journal of the Geological Society of London v 3 1847 Geology Periodicals Smithsonian Libraries bhl page 36933106 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/36933106 smithsonian libraries Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2014-03-17 Check categories 2015 August 26 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/13206085213 2015-08-26 12 51 34 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 The Quarterly journal of the Geological Society of London 1847 Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script
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