Keywords: The Quarterly journal of the Geological Society of London (13205969443).jpg 256 <br> PROCEEDINGS OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY Mar 10 <br> Orthis several species <br> testudinaria striatula c <br> Atrypa <br> Lingula one species <br> Delthyris <br> Encrini <br> Graptolites two species <br> And an abundant variety of corals <br> of several genera and species <br> Cystolites ornatus <br> Strophomena sericea <br> nasuta <br> Orthoceras more than one species <br> Trochus <br> Pterinea carinata <br> Cypricardia angustifrons <br> lor ovata <br> �� Orbicula <br> Some of the above were remarkably well preserved in the marl <br> which is here almost entirely an argillaceous deposit The Trinucleus <br> which at other elevations is seen only with its singularly-formed <br> buckler so highly ornamented was here found attached to its pos- <br> terior ribs and with delicately sharp spinous projections from each <br> end of the buckler nearly an inch in length Triarthrus Beekii <br> which in the lower part of the deposit has generally presented a head <br> merely or the ribs unconnected with a head was here completely <br> perfect Lingulae were in nearly every instance found not parallel <br> with the strata but standing up as if they had been entombed while <br> growing in their usual position and so quietly as not to disturb or <br> throw them down Calymene <br> were seldom found rolled up <br> or distorted in any way and <br> a dozen were sometimes seen <br> on one side of a slab of marl <br> four or five inches square all <br> beautifully spread out as if in- <br> tended for cabinet specimens <br> by nature herself The 7 o- <br> teles megistos exhibited both <br> spinous terminations of the <br> shield well-defined Grap- <br> tolites were in the greatest <br> abundance and one species <br> was peculiarly delicate and <br> hair-like ; in short all were <br> preserved in primaeval perfec- <br> tion untouched by the cor- <br> roding tooth of Time <br> The most interesting of all <br> were the Orthocerata which <br> were frequently of unusual <br> size measuring over three feet <br> in length ; they all appeared <br> more or less compressed as if <br> by the weight of the super- <br> imposed strata and their dia- <br> meter when thus flattened was <br> frequently over six inches <br> The surface was often coated <br> with a black substance like 36932995 113687 51125 Page 256 Text v 3 http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/36932995 1847 Geological Society of London NameFound Atrypa NameConfirmed Atrypa NameBankID 4083726 NameFound Calymene NameConfirmed Calymene EOLID 4322334 NameBankID 2875639 NameFound Cypricardia angustifrons NameFound Cystolites ornatus NameConfirmed Cyrtolites ornatus NameFound Delthyris NameConfirmed Delthyris NameBankID 4138388 NameFound Encrini NameFound Graptolites NameConfirmed Graptolites NameBankID 423327 NameFound Lingula NameConfirmed Lingula EOLID 11118945 NameBankID 2765654 NameFound Orbicula NameConfirmed Orbicula EOLID 21711 NameBankID 236974 NameFound Orthis NameConfirmed Orthis EOLID 4333134 NameBankID 4270859 NameFound Orthoceras NameConfirmed Orthoceras EOLID 30106 NameBankID 1861424 NameFound Pterinea carinata NameFound Strophomena sericea NameFound Triarthrus NameConfirmed Triarthrus EOLID 4324679 NameBankID 2875648 NameFound Trinucleus NameConfirmed Trinucleus EOLID 4324924 NameBankID 2875667 NameFound Trochus NameConfirmed Trochus EOLID 75224 NameBankID 4935234 Biodiversity Heritage Library The Quarterly journal of the Geological Society of London v 3 1847 Geology Periodicals Smithsonian Libraries bhl page 36932995 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/36932995 smithsonian libraries Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2014-03-17 Check categories 2015 August 26 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/13205969443 2015-08-26 12 55 11 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 The Quarterly journal of the Geological Society of London 1847 Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script |