MAKE A MEME View Large Image The Shakespeare Club, Montreal, 1847.jpg en Painting The Shakespeare Club Montreal 1847 Oil on canvas 36 x 51 cm<br> The painting represents the Shakespeare Club a dramatic and Literary society founded in Montreal on September 18 1843 The ... MemeMaker
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Keywords: The Shakespeare Club, Montreal, 1847.jpg en Painting The Shakespeare Club Montreal 1847 Oil on canvas 36 x 51 cm<br> The painting represents the Shakespeare Club a dramatic and Literary society founded in Montreal on September 18 1843 The club had rooms over Chalmer's bookstore on Great St James Street and dined occasionally at Dolly's or at the Rialto near Donegana's Hotel on Notre Dame Street As the painting shows a group of men seated and smoking it is most likely the interior of the club rooms The painting is signed and dated C Krieghoff 47 Cornelius Krieghoff 1815-1872 joined the club by May 25 1847 as his name appears on the list of ordinary members at this date Six of the people in the painting are identifiable In the upper right corner is Krieghoff himself standing and smoking a long pipe At the left of the table blowing smoke in the air is John Young 1811-1878 a prominent Montreal businessman and politician who at the time of the painting was a strong advocate of the St Lawrence and Atlantic Railway to build a rail connection between Montreal and Portland To his right F W Torrance was a rising young lawyer and future judge Next standing was Edmund Allen Meredith 1817-1899 then Principal of McGill University To his right Sir Allan Napier MacNab 1798-1862 Speaker of the House of Assembly which sat in Montreal at this time In the right front foreground lighting his pipe is John Budden of Quebec a member of the auction firm of A J Maxham and Company and a man who was to become one of Krieghoff's closest companions � http //www canadianshakespeares ca/multimedia/imagegallery/m_i_2 cfm canadianshakespeares ca fr Peinture Le Shakespeare Club Montréal 1847 Huile sur toile 36 x 51 cm<br> 20-22 rue Saint-Paul Est Montréal Shakespeare Club locataire de 1847 à 1848 Ce club occupait des chambres � http //www vieux montreal qc ca/inventaire/fiches/fiche_bat php sec g num 14 vieux montreal qc ca<br> � la gauche du tableau soufflant de la fumée dans l'air John Young 1811-1878 homme d'affaires de Montréal et politicien qui était alors un ardent défenseur d'une liaison ferroviaire entre Montréal et Portland � la gauche de Young se trouve F W Torrance jeune avocat plein d'avenir et futur juge Ensuite debout Edmund Allen Meredith 1817-1899 alors recteur de l'Université McGill Puis sir Allan Napier MacNab 1798-1862 Président de la Chambre d'Assemblée qui a siégeait à Montréal à cette époque Au premier plan allumant sa pipe John Budden de Québec un membre de la société de vente aux enchères A J Maxham 1847 M2000 95 1 Cornelius Krieghoff 1815-1872 other versions PD-old-100-1923 Cornelius Krieghoff Uploaded with UploadWizard Montreal in the 1840s Paintings of smokers pipes 20-22 rue Saint-Paul Est John Young Canadian politician Edmund Allen Meredith Allan Napier MacNab
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