MAKE A MEME View Large Image The Tale of a Field Hospital 1900 - Face page 4 - Kitchen of the field hospital.png under the photograph reads THE KITCHEN OF THE FIELD HOSPITAL The cross-shaped ditch cut in the ground takes the kettles according to the way of the wind The ...
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Keywords: The Tale of a Field Hospital 1900 - Face page 4 - Kitchen of the field hospital.png under the photograph reads THE KITCHEN OF THE FIELD HOSPITAL The cross-shaped ditch cut in the ground takes the kettles according to the way of the wind The ambulance train has drawn up Кухня 4-го полевого госпиталя � асположенного на станции Ф� и� 20 км севе� нее Эстко� та во в� емя Англо-бу� ской войны 1899 �1902 В к� естооб� азную канаву ставятся котелки в зависимости от нап� авления вет� а � а заднем плане � санита� ный поезд Фотог� афия Ф� еде� ика Т� ивза из его книги «Рассказ о полевом госпитале» 1900 «The Tale of a Field Hospital» cite book Frederick Treves 1900 London Paris New York Melbourne The Tale of a Field Hospital Cassell and Company Limited Face p 4 First Edition October 1900 Reprinted November 1900 December 1900 Retrieved from the Internet Archive http //www archive org/stream/taleoffieldhospi00trev page/n17/mode/2up link extracted from taleoffieldhospi00trev_orig_jp2 tar Modifications by the uploader rotated cropped some dust scratches removed the uncleaned version is available in the file history levels converted to grayscale between 1899 1900 Creator Frederick Treves <ref> cite journal Jeffcoate Stephen The retrieval of Ladysmith 29 July 2000 The Lancet 356 9227 417-421 doi 10 1016/S0140-6736 00 02540-X published in seven episodes in the British Medical Journal and later collected with his own photographs in his book The Tale of a Field Hospital Treves wrote of the </ref> PD-old References references Second Boer War field hospitals Frederick Treves Ambulance trains Ambulances in the 1900s Second Boer War in 1900 British Medical Journal
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