Keywords: The Triumph of Galatea by Bernardo Cavallino or Artemisia Gentileschi ca. 1650.jpg Artwork Q20177361 Creator Bernardo Cavallino or possibly Creator Artemisia Gentileschi ca 1650 oil on canvas cm 152 1 205 1 Institution National Gallery of Art LangSwitch West Building Main Floor - Gallery 29 Западное здание 1 этаж гале� ея 29 accession number 2000 61 1 object history credit line Галатея не� еида ru Galatea Galatea nereida ca Galateia Galateia nereïde de Galatea mythology Galatea nereid en Galatea Galatea nereida es Galatée Néréide Galatée néréide fr Galatea ninfa Galatea nereide it Galatea mythologie Galatea nereïde nl <br/> http //www nga gov/content/ngaweb/Collection/art-object-page 112373 html LangSwitch Information about the painting on the official website of the art museum National Gallery of Art Washington D C Инфо� мация о ка� тине на официальном сайте художественного музея � ациональная гале� ея искусства Вашингтон http //www nga gov/content/ngaweb/Collection/art-object-page 112373 html PD-old-100 DEFAULTSORT Gentileschi Artemisia; Esther before Ahasuerus; Metropolitan Museum of Art Artemisia Gentileschi Bernardo Cavallino National Gallery of Art Italian paintings in the National Gallery of Art Paintings from Italy in the National Gallery of Art Italian Baroque paintings in the National Gallery of Art 1650s oil on canvas paintings in the United States Galatea nymph Triumph of Galatea Nereids Tritons Baroque paintings of Greek mythology Baroque paintings of mythology 1650s paintings from Italy 17th-century paintings in the United States |