MAKE A MEME View Large Image The Virgin Receiving the Purple and Cochineal - Google Art Project.jpg commons date commons medium commons dimensions commons institution commons location commons references commons object_history commons exhibition_history commons ...
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Keywords: The Virgin Receiving the Purple and Cochineal - Google Art Project.jpg commons date commons medium commons dimensions commons institution commons location commons references commons object_history commons exhibition_history commons credit_line commons inscriptions commons notes commons accession_number commons source commons permission commons other_versions commons zoom core title This composition is a continuation of the theme of Mary �s staying at the Temple in Jerusalem Mary was chosen to make a veil of cochineal for the Temple in Jerusalem The moment of presentation of this precious material to Mary is embodied in the fresco composition The priest with long grey hair and beard gives cochineal to Mary He is depicted against the background of canopy Mary reaches forth her arms and takes this gift The presence of a group of people behind Mary �s figure emphasizes the significance of the event core creator Unknown core date dateCreated 1000 core type monumental painting fresco google display_date 1000 google is_artproject TRUE google is_gigapixel FALSE google is_secured TRUE google partner/id 000000000804b21e google picasa_token 70AuZJyAHR9_6Hh7g1df8MNmoDU special url_id BAFhV2PG_QJWnA google partner/name St Sophia of Kyiv special partner/name_no_lang St Sophia of Kyiv PD-old-100-1923 Google Art Project works by unknown artist Virgins of Israel receiving the purple Saint Sophia Cathedral frescos
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