Keywords: The wonderful new rose hoosier beauty (16387858372).jpg 26 <br> ELLA V BAINES THE WOMAN FLORIST SPRINGFIELD OHIO <br> CARNATION The Divine Flower PINKS <br> For beauty of flower and color ease of culture certainty and freedom of bloom together with ex- <br> quisite fragrance this is well called tne Divine Flower Plants in the open ground or in pots quickly <br> make large specimens and when brought indoors in the fall produce an abundance of flowers through- <br> out the entire winter Carnation blooms are expensive; don't buy them � grow them yourself Pinch <br> the plant back frequently during the summer season In the fall bring indoors place in a four or five- <br> inch pot keep in a temperature of forty to fifty degrees at night and they will yield an immense num- <br> ber of flowers with splendid stems as fine as those sold by florists If not pinched in they will bloom <br> profusely during the summer We offer the finest � <br> varieties in existence Tour order is incomplete <br> without some Carnations <br> Excelsior Collection of Choice <br> Carnations <br> 10 cents each; set of Eight Excelsior Carnations <br> postpaid for 75 cents <br> BENORA � The ground color is the faintest blush <br> lightly penciled in soft pink The bloom is fluffy <br> in appearance exquisitely beautiful in form One <br> of the grandest of all Carnations <br> CHAMPION � This is by far the darkest Carnation <br> ever seen and at the same time the most abundant <br> bloomer Brilliant dark red shaded with richest <br> maroon fringed petals nearly every flower being <br> on a long stem This variety surpasses in rich- <br> ness of color the most perfect Jacqueminot Roses <br> GLORIOSA � This variety has been greatly admired <br> wherever it has been seen for its desirable color <br> being a beautiful light pink satin color; flowers <br> large size and very freely produced Plant of <br> grand habit and vigorous growth It is a superb <br> variety <br> GOOD CHEER � One of the most fragrant Carna- <br> tions we have seen Color a clear bright glow- <br> ing scarlet; a most continuous bloomer and dis- <br> tinct in color from any other sort offered Greatly <br> admired by all who have seen it growing here <br> HERALD � One of the grandest of all Carnations <br> for the garden a dazzling red color that nothing <br> surpasses <br> MATCHLESS � Largest flowers of the purest im- <br> maculate white; large sized blooms Valuable <br> for garden planting and for pot culture Very <br> sweetly scented with that delightful old-fash- <br> ioned clove fragrance <br> ROSETTE � No other Carnation we know of equals <br> this fine dark rose colored variety; very fragrant <br> SENSATION � Certainly a grand pink Carnation of <br> the largest size and deliciously scented Carnation Flowers <br> SET OF PRIZE WINNING MUMS <br> The following varieties are the Cream of all the Mums to date <br> 12 cents each except where noted <br> Special Offer ny ive P r ' ce d a t 12 Cents for <br> �� SO Cents Any Six Priced at 15 <br> Cents for 75 Cents The Entire Prize Winning <br> Set of Forty Choicest Varieties Costing 5 44 <br> for Only 4 50 <br> Mnm Marigold <br> BLACK HAWK � An extra fine deep crimson variety of the <br> largest size; none finer of its color 15 cents <br> BRONZE BEAUTY � Beautiful bronze color; reverse yellow <br> 15 cents <br> CANARY BIRD � Rich golden-vellow; extra 12 cents <br> CHARLES RAGER � Pure white incurved Perfect flower <br> 12 cents <br> CHIEFTAIN � The most popular pink; good in every way <br> 12 cents <br> CHRYSOLORA � The best vellow for early October 15 cents <br> CLEMENTINE TOiSET � The most wonderful of all white <br> Mums Pure snow-white often flushed pink; of immense <br> size 12 cents <br> COLONEL D APPLETON � One of the best yellows for com- <br> mercial and exhibition use 12 cents <br> DOLLY DIMPLE � A fine large built yellow variety Extra <br> 15 cents <br> DR ENGUEHARD � Bright rose-pink; extra fine 15 cents <br> EDA PRASS � No pink Mum has beaten Eda Prass 12 cents <br> GOLDEN EAGLE � Very intense yellow wide petals incurved <br> form one of the finest 15 cents 41856305 131010 64616 Page 26 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/41856305 1918 10 5962/bhl title 64616 Ella V Baines Firm ; Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection NameFound Carna NameConfirmed Carna EOLID 8886074 NameBankID 2992271 NameFound Gloriosa NameConfirmed Gloriosa EOLID 33237 NameBankID 2665167 Biodiversity Heritage Library Miss Ella V Baines the woman florist Springfield Ohio The wonderful new rose hoosier beauty Garden Stories Bulbs Plants Catalogs Flowers Plants Ornamental Roses Seed industry and trade Seeds Trade catalogs U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 41856305 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/41856305 bhlGardenStories BHLinbloom bulbs plants plants ornamental u s department of agriculture national agricultural library bhlgardenstories bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-01-28 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/16387858372 2015-08-24 07 50 17 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 The wonderful new rose hoosier beauty Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script |