MAKE A MEME View Large Image The wonderful new rose hoosier beauty (16202904087).jpg ELLA V BAINES THE WOMAN FLORIST SPRINGFIELD OHIO <br> 37 <br> HARDY BORDER PLANTS AND BULBS ” Concluded <br> PLUMBAGO LABPENTAE or Lady Larpent ” Deep <br> royal blue flowers This is ...
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Keywords: The wonderful new rose hoosier beauty (16202904087).jpg ELLA V BAINES THE WOMAN FLORIST SPRINGFIELD OHIO <br> 37 <br> HARDY BORDER PLANTS AND BULBS � Concluded <br> PLUMBAGO LABPENTAE or Lady Larpent � Deep <br> royal blue flowers This is an elegant plant 10 cts <br> HARDY SCOTCH or SWEET MAY PINKS � These <br> are the pinks of our mothers' gardens; all colors <br> 10 cents; three distinct colors for 25 cents <br> NEW HARDY SCOTCH PINK HER MAJESTY � <br> Pure white flowers; fine for cemetery 10 cents; <br> three for 25 cents <br> PLATYCODON GRANDIFLORUM Bush Clematis <br> � A free-flowering plant covered with flowers <br> that resemble somewhat the Clematis; two colors <br> deep blue and pure white 10 cents each; the <br> two for 15 cents <br> PYRETHRUM � Handsome garden flowers like huge <br> daisies 15 cents <br> RUDBECKIA LACINIATA Golden Glow � Grows <br> six to eight feet high bearing hundreds of double <br> yellow blossoms; it is very desirable 10 cents; <br> three for 25 cents <br> RUDBECKIA PURPUREA � The great purple cone <br> flower 25 cents <br> SAGE HOLT'S MAMMOTH � A variety of unusual <br> substance strong flavor and superior quality 10 <br> cents; three for 25 cents <br> STOKESIA CYANEA or CORNFLOWER ASTER � <br> Grows eighteen to twenty-four inches high Two <br> kinds of flowers of lavender-blue and pure white <br> four to five inches in diameter borne from June <br> to October 15 cents; two for 25 cents <br> HARDY BLUE SALVIA Caryopteris Mastacanthus <br> � A grand plant bearing rich lavender-blue flow- <br> ers Be sure and try this plant It will please <br> you 10 cents <br> SWEET WILLIAM � A Pine Collection of all Colors <br> - � White scarlet maroon pink red on white <br> ground violet on white ground Holborn Glory or <br> Auricula-flowered 10 cents; three for 25 cents; <br> seven for 50 cents <br> VALERIANA- � Garden Heliotrope Entirely hardy <br> very showy plant; lavender flowers; very fra- <br> grant 15 cents <br> VIOLET HARDY DOUBLE ENGLISH � A perfectly <br> hardy double Violet; a beautiful blue color 20 <br> cents; three for 50 cents <br> YUCCA FILA3IENTOSA Spanish Dagger � Blooms <br> every year bearing long stalks surmounted with <br> large umbels or heads of white flowers 10 cents <br> HARDY DECIDUOUS SHRUBS <br> The Ever Blooming Butterfly Bush <br> Buddleya Variabilis Magnifica <br> It was a matter of some thought before this highly <br> desirable plant was finally christened with the common <br> English name by which it goes Several years ago there <br> were imported from Europe some plant novelties and this <br> one was among them We observed it carefully for a <br> season and were charmed with its beauty ease of culture <br> and free flowering habit The name Butterfly Bush was <br> applied to it because it seems to attract butterfles in <br> large numbers Particularly we notice that it is not alone <br> the common little yellow species of butterfly but also the <br> large and gorgeously colored butterflies that swarm about <br> it as though vieing with it in brilliancy of color This <br> shrub from a young plant set out either in the spring or <br> fall will mature to full size the first summer producing <br> a handsome bush which the first year often maintains a <br> height of four feet It produces long graceful stems <br> which terminate in tapering panicles of beautiful lilac- <br> colored flowers that are of miniature size and borne by <br> the hundreds on a flower head which is frequently ten <br> inches long A single plant the first season will throw <br> out as many as fifty flower spikes -which increase greatly <br> in number during succeeding years The year after plant- <br> ing it generally commences to flower in June and con- <br> tinuing each season until severe frosts nip it The foliage <br> and blooms are exceedingly fine The shrub is rather <br> semi-herbaceous by which we mean in some latitudes it <br> will die down to the ground and while perfectly hardy <br> we recommend covering the roots with manure leaves or <br> other suitable materials as winter approaches as this will <br> produce a heavy growth the following season This shrub <br> is very desirable as an individual specimen in the lawn <br> and garden or placed promiscuously in the shrubbery <br> border Pine plants 20 cents; three for 50 cents <br> AZALEA MOLLIS � The most brilliant and showy of all <br> hardy shrubs exceeding even the Rhododendron and <br> entirely hardy without protection in all situations The <br> bloom which varies in color from the intense rosy- <br> crimson to lemon-yellow literally covers the compact <br> spreading plant forming a huge bouquet and which <br> remains in perfection for a long time in Mav and June <br> Massed they produce an effect that is actually brilliant <br> and dazzling These plants ready to bloom 50 cents <br> BUXUS Ornamental Box � Sempervirens � Useful for <br> edging and bordering walks etc A handsome shrub <br> with deep green foliage This is not as dwarf as the <br> Sempervirens Nana but we find it so much more vigor- <br> ous and hardy that we advise planting this and trim- <br> ming to height required 5 cents each; 50 cents per <br> dozen postpaid By express purchaser to pay ex- <br> pressage 3 00 per hundred <br> CALYCANTHUS PLORIDUS Carolina Allspice or Sweet <br> Scented Shrub � A most desirable shrub The wood is <br> fragrant; flowers of a rare chocolate color having a <br> peculiar agreeable odor that is very penetrating Thev <br> blossom in June and at intervals afterwards ' Pine <br> plants 15 cents; strong two-year-old plants 35 cents <br> CYDONIA JAPONICA Japan Quince � Has bright scarlet <br> flowers in great profusion in early spring; one of the <br> best shrubs Pine plants 25 cents <br> FORSYTHIA VIRroiSSIMA � A fine hardv shrub leaves <br> and bark deep green; flowers golden-vellow Blooms <br> earliest of all shrubs before the foliage comes 20 <br> cents; two-year size 40 cents <br> Buddleya Variabilis Magnifica Butterfly Bush <br> Deutzias <br> Their fine habit luxuriant foliage and pro- <br> fusion of bloom render them among- the most <br> beautiful of shrubs They flower the latter <br> part of June <br> DEUTZIA CRENATA F1 P1 � Flowers double <br> white tinged with rose 15 cents; two- <br> year plants 40 cents <br> DEUTZIA GRACILIS � Dwarf habit Covers <br> itself with pure white bell-shaped flowers <br> 15 cents each; strong plants 40 cents <br> DEUTZIA GRACILIS ROSEA � Same as above <br> but pink flowers 15 cents each; strong- <br> plants 40 cents <br> DEUTZIA LEMOINEII � Habit dwarf and free <br> flowering; double -white flowers 15 cents <br> each; two-year plants 40 cents each <br> DEUTZIA PRIDE OF ROCHESTER � Large <br> double white flowers 15 cents; two-year <br> plants 40 cents <br> SPECIAL OFFER No 51 � Five Deutzias for <br> 65 cents 41856291 131010 64616 Page 37 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/41856291 1918 10 5962/bhl title 64616 Ella V Baines Firm ; Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection NameFound Azalea mollis NameConfirmed Azalea mollis NameBankID 5825488 NameFound Buddleya NameFound Buxus NameConfirmed Buxus EOLID 11246202 NameBankID 2651787 NameFound Calycanthus NameConfirmed Calycanthus EOLID 61998 NameBankID 2645103 NameFound Calycanthus NameConfirmed Calycanthus EOLID 61998 NameBankID 2645103 NameFound Caryopteris NameConfirmed Caryopteris Bunge EOLID 61477 NameFound Caryopteris NameConfirmed Caryopteris Bunge EOLID 61477 NameFound CLEMATIS NameConfirmed Clematis ser Alpina W J Yang L Qian Li EOLID 38289 NameFound Cydonia japonica NameConfirmed Cydonia japonica Loisel EOLID 635641 NameBankID 7461551 NameFound Cydonia japonica NameConfirmed Cydonia japonica Loisel EOLID 635641 NameBankID 7461551 NameFound Deutzia NameConfirmed Deutzia EOLID 11171771 NameBankID 2649641 NameFound Deutzia crenata NameConfirmed Deutzia crenata EOLID 482882 NameBankID 2670874 NameFound Deutzia crenata NameConfirmed Deutzia crenata EOLID 482882 NameBankID 2670874 NameFound Deutzia gracilis NameConfirmed Deutzia gracilis EOLID 583313 NameBankID 2649642 NameFound Deutzia gracilis NameConfirmed Deutzia gracilis EOLID 583313 NameBankID 2649642 NameFound Forsythia NameConfirmed Forsythia Vahl EOLID 61838 NameFound Mastacanthus NameConfirmed Mastacanthus NameBankID 4232964 NameFound Mastacanthus NameConfirmed Mastacanthus NameBankID 4232964 NameFound Platycodon grandiflorum NameConfirmed Platycodon grandiflorum EOLID 579823 NameBankID 2656672 NameFound Pyrethrum NameConfirmed Pyrethrum Medik EOLID 2879753 NameBankID 8777274 NameFound RHODODENDRON NameConfirmed Rhododendron Cunninghams white EOLID 38343 NameFound Rudbeckia laciniata NameConfirmed Rudbeckia laciniata EOLID 467869 NameBankID 2658113 NameFound Rudbeckia purpurea NameConfirmed Rudbeckia purpurea L nom cons EOLID 467544 NameFound Salvia NameConfirmed Salvia L EOLID 38380 NameFound Stokesia cyanea NameConfirmed Stokesia cyanea L'Hér EOLID 503458 NameFound Stokesia cyanea NameConfirmed Stokesia cyanea L'Hér EOLID 503458 NameFound Valeriana NameConfirmed Valeriana L EOLID 38228 NameFound Variabilis NameConfirmed Variabilis NameBankID 4389993 NameFound Yucca NameConfirmed Yucca L EOLID 33611 Biodiversity Heritage Library Miss Ella V Baines the woman florist Springfield Ohio The wonderful new rose hoosier beauty Garden Stories Bulbs Plants Catalogs Flowers Plants Ornamental Roses Seed industry and trade Seeds Trade catalogs U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 41856291 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/41856291 bhlGardenStories BHLinbloom bulbs plants plants ornamental u s department of agriculture national agricultural library bhlgardenstories bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-01-28 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/16202904087 2015-08-24 07 50 50 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 The wonderful new rose hoosier beauty Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script
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